Blame corporate fashion industry. I've sat in on some decisions with children's clothing and you would think it were a bunch of unaware dudes but NOPE, they're women, some mothers, that are too busy trying to be "cool mom" and this is the result of it. You as the consumer have to demand something else because the designers honestly don't care as long as your kid thinks it's "cool" and they convince you to buy it. They will stop making what won't sell, remember that, you have more control over the monster than you think.
I think I am ever MORE disturbed that they kind of look related.
Why is it always some ole Sponge Bob shaped girl with tattoos like this? Oh...I was supposed to say something nice wasn't I? Eh F it.
*DEAD* Sir, you know the routine -------->
I am so perplexed by her. Why she got a baby head and an adult body? Why am I looking at her potential fire crotch pubes? can twerk it, but can you do long division heffa?! Now THAT'S impressive!
George Michael- Freedom 90 will have me cat walking and church fashion show twirling no matter where I am.
I am really upset you are bringing up parts of my childhood that I recessed deep in my brain never to be brought up again lol. I remember my daddy used to come home with a big ole gallon bucket of chitlins' and spend damn near half the day cleaning and cooking them. The smell...oh the horror the smell! and dear lord don't be stuck being the person that has to clean out the tuperwear of sour chitlins that have been sitting in the fridge for a minute. That stink is so ingrained in my head that I think I may have a touch of PTSD from it. Tis' the life of growing up in the south, damn are ya'll covering hog head cheese and liver pudding next? How about shuckin corn, snapping peas, and chicken necks? Oh...ya'll aren't that country? *clears throat* neither am I .
Every time I see someone eating an insane part of a pig I want to tap them on the shoulder and whisper "we'z free nah, you can eat the good part of the pig if you want to!". Sometimes I think some southern folk never got the memo.
Wow. Telling someone to go eat a hot bowl of dicks just got taken to a Whole. 'Notha. Level.