


35 comments posted · 1 followers · following 2

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Goracle Blasphemed In ... · 0 replies · +1 points

hahaha this is hilarious! :D and so true

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 0 replies · +1 points

Even if the dates were right it woudn't mean that the meaning would be right. People celebrate Xmas all over the world becouse it's tradition not becouse they believe it, therefore it doesn't depend on the actual dates so I'm not bothered really. And you are mistaken, the most important thing for christians is the crucifixtion, the birth would be useless without the crucifixtion.

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 0 replies · +1 points

I wasn't talking about increasing the number of jews, I was talking about strenghtening their faith.
You talking about numbers of believers...The largest religion is christianity, but I believe that more then a half of them aren't true christians anyway, and the same thing with muslims, after all you can see it at our college, almost all muslim there don't prays 5 times a day, listen to music, smoke and drink, have a sex before marriage or eat haram food. Just 'couse people say they are muslims or christians doesn't mean that they actually are therefore I don't think you can even estimate number of believers.

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 0 replies · +1 points

yeah yeah this is great but I'm talking about real prophecies with actual names and particular events.
there are few of them on this website
there's no doubt that those prophecies has been fullfilled, even non-christian scientists say that (not sure about the 2nd one).
and what you said about Israel is not true. Israel is Israel and Palestine is Palestine, there are no muslim or christian territories in Israel. There are allowed all religions though, as in any other civilized country. And there is another prophecy about rebuilding the temple so I woudn't be too worried about it :D

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 0 replies · +1 points

you said you've read a bible but you clearly havn't. God made a covenant with jews, that said what's gonna happen if they keep it and if they don't. It's like a mortage, you've got a deal with the bank and if you keep it you'll have a beautiful house but if you don't they take your house. God was trying to help them keep it, becouse he loves them, but they wouldn't listen and as a consequence holocaust happend. Can you blame the bank for taking your house especially when they give you 50 extra years to pay it off? And the bank then helps you to build a brand new city? You keep saying what God should do, if you LET him he will, but he can't do anything against your will becouse we would be like slaves, no right to choose for ourselfs!

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 0 replies · +1 points

ehm that was supposed to be a joke....

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 0 replies · +1 points

I thought you would understand ma previous explanation, 'couse I proved that there were no innocent people and I thought you know how justice works. You said that love means "no harm" but my parents used to spank me a lot when I was a kid :D becouse they love me and when I grew up I could see the possitive effect of it and I even said thanks to them for doing it. About forgivness, If I wanna give you 1 billion $ and you say "no thanks" can I force you to take it? I know it would be best for you but I can't act against your choice can I. God set some rules, if you throw a stone up it will hit your head, if you commit sins you will be punished for them, not becouse God wants you to be hit by the stone, but becouse you decided to do so. You blaming God for their mistakes, they threw the stone and you saying that God doesn't love them becouse the stone hit their head. It doesn't make any sense to me.

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't think you understand what all-loving means. Especialy if you consider God to be righteous. If you had a son and he was a mass murderer, you would still love him and try to help him, but if he didn't listen to you, you would have to report him to a police even though you still love him becouse he's your son. But why would you do that? Don't you love him enough??? Justice doesn't depend on love, justice is a consequence of your deeds. It's like when you throw a stone directly above your head, the stone inevitably hit you. Can you blame others when the stone hits your head? All you can do is ask God to help you and if you don't God chooses not to act against your free will, becouse you threw the stone and you knew what's gonna happen.

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 9 replies · +1 points

There is an explanation in Christianity and Judaism as well. We can choose anything we like, but that doesn't mean that God can't turn it into a good thing. In this case the good thing was that before WWII the Judaism was slowly dying but after what happend lots of jews went back to their religion and heritage. And they even accomplished to create Israel which was propheciesd in the Bible.
Oh yeah and what about fullfilled prophecies in the Bible? There's hundreds of them and I'm just fascinated how accurate they can be.
Deism isn't fun! you can't really argue about it

15 years ago @ Democrat = Socialist - Fuck You Christians! · 4 replies · +1 points

that passage talks about killing people that commited iniquity in the House of Lord. And not just that. Those people were perverts and great sinners, I believe God warned them to leave their sins but they wouldn't listen. If you read it properly you'll see that not everybody was killed. "Do not come near anyone on whom is the mark" Those people were righteous or listend to God when he warned them. Therefore those people got what they deserved. Or do you think we shouldn't kill mass murderers and perverts? Would you just let them off? They had a chance to repent for their sins and some of them did. If God wasn't merciful he would just kill them all without any warning becouse that's what they deserve. The problem with your arguing is that you take things outta context. I could say that Bible say "There is no God" and it's the truth but if you read the whole verse you read that "My enemies say: There is no God". Feel free to give me another arguments, you said you've got plenty of them