


1,488 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ - Maher To Limbaugh: I C... · 0 replies · -19 points

Bwahahaha !
Now THAT was funny !

12 years ago @ - 2 Maine pols bow out o... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thankfully Snowe is retiring, that RINO has done enough damage to the country.

12 years ago @ Blog - The Non-Issue: Agonizi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Why (more) people in the west are NOT outraged by this is almost as infuriating as the situation itself.

12 years ago @ - Priest To Planned Pare... · 18 replies · -91 points

What's this guy's problem with Maggie Sanger ?

12 years ago @ - Maher: Jesus 'Palestin... · 0 replies · 0 points

He used to be funny, but like may comedians he started to take himself very seriously. Now he gets invited to speak on the state of the country and the world which reinforces his self importance. His tribe deconstructing Jesus is nothing new either.

12 years ago @ - Alec Baldwin Co-Hosts ... · 0 replies · -5 points

No ?
Even if I asked nice like ?

12 years ago @ - Alec Baldwin Co-Hosts ... · 2 replies · -4 points

Just take it at face value.
Don't kid yourself, you would too ! ;)

12 years ago @ - Alec Baldwin Co-Hosts ... · 9 replies · -28 points

Sitting next to Kelly, I'd be thinking about puddy too.

12 years ago @ - Anti-Free Speech Total... · 1 reply · -4 points

What are you talking about ?

12 years ago @ - Occupy Bullies Force G... · 7 replies · -12 points

Racism has got to go. However, America has borders and to remain a nation these borders are to be defined and defended.