@billyboy, I got it! LOL I had to re-read that sentence in the story a few times! LOL
His 12 year old son! I saw the pics too and thought that was father and son. Then read the story and about sh it when I saw he had his 12 year old kid with him! Unreal!
This is going to be heart breaking for them to have to go court for this d bag and have to re-live everything! WHY! Hes guiltly obviously! Proven innocent my ash. hes guilty of killing those babies!
Oh God no. I have black friends. Mexican niece and nephews. Not racist at all. Im just saying that part of town is slum. Scared to drive through there anymore. And im also saying this is where they get their bad name is from stuff like this that their race does!
I refuse to drive in that part of town. Its little Chicago down there anymore! Why is the city letting these slugs take over!? And they wonder why black people get a bad name! Look at them all down there!
So..if this was a lab that attacked a Pit Bull would they seek a ban on Labs? Probably not. I have friends in Center Point that have 3 pit bulls those dogs are the sweetest nicest dogs and don’t have a mean streak in them. The owners take care of them like they are supposed to. We try to ban guns yet guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people. Banning one breed of dog isn’t going to help. Maybe that poodle that attacked me when I was little, I should have went to the city to have those breeds banned too.
Just because one bad dog wasn’t taken care of like it should doesn’t mean others should have to suffer and lose their dogs.
I can't like this post enough! Perfectly said and very well worded!
Charlie? Is that you? LOL Sorry Charlie but your goddesses are nasty!
IF the deer wouldnt have been in the road it wouldnt have been hit. Glad she pulled over to make sure it was an animal she hit. (insert sarcasam here). Hope shes ok tho. Those deer can be deadly.