I said nothing about "Democrats". "Assumptions about party affiliations" you did that all by yourself sorry.
Trust me you and Letty weren't the only ones shocked by the results.
I just love how the leftists in this town are so proud to point to the Racial Pie Chart and call the diversity of this city "a success". I wonder if the victim was a liberal who doesn't believe that we should have the right to bare arms, GOD THAT WOULD BE PERFECT! But, after all crime is crime and there is nothing funny about that. It’s a difficult thing to try to keep one another from racially profiling a person when the fact is that 95% of Iowa City's violent crime is committed by ONE PARTICULAR COLOR/RACE. Racist? Sure, but YOWZA, way to be everything that a racist white hick from Iowa always believed you were. You just made it THAT MUCH HARDER for every black person out there who actually gives a F--- what people think of them. This is where you say "You dont know if that was a black person or not!" Then I laugh my A%% Off at YOUR ignorance!!!!!!!
Because he DID NOT USE HIS GUN! I know, RIGHT?!!! LOL.
I just love how the leftists in this town are so proud to point to the Racial Pie Chart and call the diversity of this city "a success". I wonder if the victims were liberals who don't believe that we should have the right to bare arms GOD THAT WOULD BE PERFECT! But, after all crime is crime and there is nothing funny about that. It’s a difficult thing to try to keep one another from racially profiling a person when the fact is that 95% of Iowa City's violent crime is committed by ONE PARTICULAR COLOR/RACE. Oh, and don't fool yourselves either, the whites involved in this SURELY believed they were as black as the great African American Poet Tupac Shakkur had always expressed of himself....and every other “Poet”. Racist? Sure, but YOWZA, way to be everything that a racist white hick from Iowa always believed you were. You just made it THAT MUCH HARDER for every black person out there who actually gives a F--- what people think of them. Peace to all of you, hopefully none of you find yourselves having to use your guns to kill one of these criminals (Whatever the color). In the words of Tupac, “Peace to my MOTHER EFFIN NINE! (9mm)”.
Obama is gonna use YOUR tax dollars to put this brain child's leg back together...HISTORIC!...ly communist! "Obamacare, whether you want it or not!"
OH, OH look! Look at our little racist liberal dirt bag flingin racist slurs like a big racist! "White Trailer Trash". Freiburg you are such an opportunist. Guess you and I aren't so different after all (Sarcasm). Coward. Go find another article to take potshots at you neonazi mealey mouthed slime ball. We dont need racists like you falsely standing "in defense" of the oppressed. Take a seat at the racist table and eat another bowl of leftist media. Obama needs to straighten you out.
Oh yeah, also try the south side of Cedar Rapids, lotta heroes out there too! Idiot.
Its okay Nancy, I hear San Fransisco is nice this time of year...not so many "Cowards" out there I hear.
mfreiberg32 You are the coward . Just because you KNOW that YOU don't have the guts to say that in public doesn't mean that I don't. I tell everyone I know this because it is the truth and the day that I am not allowed to speak the truth in public is the same day that we have woken up in YOUR nazi America. Lets put our words of hate aside. let me ask you a question. Do you think that I should not have the right to say this in public? Do you think that I should be Persecuted for speaking my mind? And trust me I didn't learn any of this stuff from public school. I came to this conclusion all my own. So am I a FREE THINKING individual? Is this NOT what we are supposed to be? Should I bury my head in the sand like a good liberal and look far away from the obvious truths even when they are hard to accept? NO. I am pretty sure that if we had it YOUR way we would all have no right to disagree with one another and we would not be genuinely free as a people. So, still think I'm a coward? Or have you yet decided that you are a Stalinist?