Of course, now I have the theme from Jurassic Park going through my head.
You do not set the string on a bow until you are getting ready to use it.
Now she imitates the dragon's abilities!
You do realize that Frankenstein is a Jewish name? Somehow I don't think the Nazis would be wanting a Jew helping the war effort because of superior intellect and a smart Jew would not be wanting to help the Nazis if they could avoid it. Hitler (more than) once dismissed Einstein's Theories of Relativity as Jewish science.
Well to late to fix it now.
As one who naturally grows a beard (I just keep shaving it off), I can speak from experience. it will take a while (several hours) for Red's beard to grow enough to be noticeable, months to get to the level of the other lady.
You are a speedster. Of course your reflexes and reaction items are faster than a normal persons. If not, you would trip over your own feet and any uneven ground as you run as speeds faster than most cars.
Well, she seems to know how to manipulate her colleagues.
I think that Red is not enjoying this encounter as much as the last time she met the bearded lady; spinning clockwise and getting knives thrown at her. Just make sure you keep your escape artist away from Red. Hmm, could she pick up the talent of everybody around her, or just one at a time?
If I was that cop, I would be wondering why the drop-off locations are so far apart. Did the kidnappers take their captives so far apart in different directions? If so, you are probably dealing with two groups of convicts, with the only sign of connection being the use of the same ransom demand call. Your one snare is not going to catch anything, let alone both groups. Besides, the cop should also realize that kidnapping across state lines automatically makes this an FBI case and the local and even state police are relegated to support roles. One of reasons the FBI was established was to deal with criminals operating across multiple state lines.
Self-driving car? I don't see a sweeping sensor light. Hmm, Larson did the same kind of thing in the original Cylon helmets too; that must have made it hard for the actors in those suits to see where they were going.
What happened to the Ringmaster's eyes? I thought he had nice eyes.