31p20 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Fringe "Peter" Episode... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - 'Mass Effect 2' Rap (V... · 1 reply · +2 points
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Caprica "Reins Of A Wa... · 2 replies · +3 points
I really didn't like the Pat Oswalt (no offense to the actor himself whom I do think is funny) character. It seems like they were just telling the audience "Hey this guy is just like Jon Steward!" I remember the line specifically about a large percentage of college age students getting their news from him, a fact that is true about Steward.
And just like ya'll said, when did Daddy Adama suddenly become a mob guy? He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would bride a judge, or order a hit, or beat up a guy at all and yet here he is doing it all like it's the norm. No guilt, no second thoughts.
I really hope this isn't how the show will be from now on because the first two episodes were really well done, please don't been another "Flash Forward" that starts out promising then just falls on it's face.
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Fringe "Jacksonville" ... · 1 reply · +1 points
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - LOST "What Kate Does" ... · 3 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - 'Caprica' Premiere Epi... · 2 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - 'Caprica' Premiere Epi... · 4 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - Fringe "What Lies Belo... · 2 replies · +2 points
I think it was the commercials for this episode that caused me to be really disappointed. From the ads it looked to me that the virus was going to be the "blight" that is killing everything in the other universe and I assumed Peter was affected since he is originally from that universe. But that was not the case and I was let sorely disappointed.
I find myself looking forward less and less each week to Fringe, and I hate that because when Fringe is good, it's great. But when I watch the stand alone episodes I feel kinda cheated. Here's to hoping next week's episode is more focused.
15 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - 'Fringe' S2 EP10 "Grey... · 1 reply · +2 points
One question I had was how did Bell get to the other Universe? Did you use Walter's door before he hid the plans? Did he make his own? Also why would he want to be there is this "blight" is killing everything.
So many questions....
15 years ago @ - Sci-Fi... - 'Fringe' S2 EP10 "Grey... · 0 replies · +2 points