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13 years ago @ KCRG - Impeachment Sought For... · 0 replies · +1 points

What kind of drugs are you on? I have never went anywhere.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Impeachment Sought For... · 0 replies · -1 points

I didn't know being open minded meant that. Guess I will have to look the definition up again. But thanks for you're opinion on my reply. It really made my day, especially calling me mental.

Love your avatar too, self portrait?

13 years ago @ KCRG - Impeachment Sought For... · 6 replies · 0 points

Who said he was wrong ... you? I am glad you shared your small minded opinion to all of us. You can tell you are very open minded by the way you call people f.ags and les.bos. For someone your age you are very immature.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Car Crashes Thorugh Wi... · 0 replies · +3 points

I totally agree. The only problem is these people are raising children of their own. I feel sorry for our future generations.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Arlington Teen Injured... · 0 replies · +3 points


13 years ago @ KCRG - Fight Over Man Leads T... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry I live in the real world, not cartoon land.

I can say that no one leaves a smaller impression on me then you.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Knoxville Man Charged ... · 0 replies · +3 points

I would be pretty easy for him to come up missing in that area, I know of a few places down there. I doubt anyone would look for him either.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Fight Over Man Leads T... · 2 replies · 0 points

Who's Peter?

Let's try and act our age here Dale.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Fight Over Man Leads T... · 4 replies · 0 points

I was being sarcastic but you obviously didn't catch it.

Your response to blaming one political party is just as bad. This is the reason why I hardly comment on here because of idio.ts like you.

13 years ago @ KCRG - Fight Over Man Leads T... · 0 replies · -1 points

Oh you caught me.