


10 comments posted · 6 followers · following 1

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - The Schrammie: New hei... · 0 replies · +5 points

The Clinton admin had a surplus inspite of Clinton not because of him.

14 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Ken Schram: I call the... · 0 replies · -6 points

Were not the ones confused here.

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Police shoot suspect i... · 1 reply · +3 points

SpeedKills is right you are a total dumba$$, It is clear you do not have the mental capacity to understand what is going on here, so go back to your coloring books. You should not be playing with Mommies computer.

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Man killed by Pierce C... · 1 reply · +5 points

What ias your definition of awhile ago? This happened Saturday evening 10/17/09.

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Portland building rate... · 9 replies · +17 points

It is still not nearly as ugly as the EMP building in Seattle.

15 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Killer spared death pe... · 1 reply · +7 points

That is just so much crap. This guy has admitted to the killing, led police to the body. There is no chance of executing the wrong guy here. If the bleeding heart liberals would shut up. He should get no 10 to 25 years of appeals. What he should get is.
A few minutes of a marksmans time, 1 bullet (less than 1 dollar) and give him the same burial he gave her. Job done for probably under 20 bucks.

16 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Crash kills motorcycli... · 3 replies · -1 points

you truly are an idiot. HD does not build their bikes to sound loud, they have to meet government noise levels just like all other manufacturers. The difference is the morons who still like to think loud pipes save lives, and think louder is better. Keep it up and we will soon follow other states across this nation that have enacted very restrictive laws strictly against motorcycles. And before you ty and say I must not be a biker because I dont understand. I am a 40 year biker, builder and mechanic who currently owns 9 bikes including a Harley

16 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Ken Schram: \'Holy \'U... · 3 replies · -10 points

and you talk about hate, sounds like your filled with it.

16 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - One killed when speedi... · 1 reply · +1 points

TruckingOne if you want to classify something as dangerous it would have to be heavy trucks not SUV's or Motorcycles. With thier much higher gross weight and very long stopping distances they would be considered far more dangerous, I know I drive one. A motorcycle or SUV is not in itself dangerous nor is a semi the only thing dangerous is the driver of some of those Vehicles. Don't be an idiot and spew false information.

16 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Man killed in crash ne... · 1 reply · -2 points

KrazylvaN You gave yourself away in your last post. I know who you are now, and you always have been one to greatly inflate your stories of speed and so called abilities. Plain and simple your a moron. Stay on the porch as they say.