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9 years ago @ Daily - G. Edward Bixby: Steal... · 0 replies · -6 points

Unlimited new bike trails would be totally fair if pedalphiles would pay license fees, Trail Fees, and and all other maintenance & construction costs.


9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Water conservation is ... · 1 reply · -9 points

The premise of "water conservation" argument is false.

Water can not be wasted or destroyed. There is just as much water (in all its forms) today as there was thousands of years ago.

The same folks who seek to prevent burning of some 100 year old shack seem to be fine with irrevocably changing an entire watershed.

9 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Key issues face Colora... · 0 replies · -7 points

As usual the media looks the other way when it comes to mentioning (much less discussing) the serious failings of the Colorado voting Statutes and Rules.

100% Mail Ballot distribution, coupled with same-day registration & voting, all being manipulated by rogue County Clerks have rendered Colorado the Voting Fraud Capitol of the USA

10 years ago @ Daily - Hillary Hall: Boulder ... · 2 replies · -17 points

"Four canvass board members [the majority] will not be allowed to hold the will of the Boulder County voters hostage," Hall, a Democrat Clerk, said

"Hall has issued certificates to the people elected or re-elected to the posts of Boulder County commissioner, county sheriff, county assessor, county treasurer, county coroner, county surveyor and herself." - Daily Camera, a Democrat newspaper.

Sad that the Daily Camera did not see fit to mention that the commissioner, county sheriff, county assessor, county treasurer, county coroner, and county surveyor are also Democrats.

It really must be heart breaking that four non-Democrats are holding up the election of seven Democrats.

Oh, wait, ...FLASH: Democrat-In-Chief Hall has just declared an amnesty that lets all the Democrats win, including herself, regardless of documentation.

V'hat a kontry ve liff in...


10 years ago @ Longmont Times-Call - Hillary Hall: Boulder ... · 1 reply · -7 points

"Four canvass board members [the majority] will not be allowed to hold the will of the Boulder County voters hostage," Hall, a Democrat Clerk, said

"Hall has issued certificates to the people elected or re-elected to the posts of Boulder County commissioner, county sheriff, county assessor, county treasurer, county coroner, county surveyor and herself." - Times-Call, a Democrat newspaper.

Sad that the Times-Call did not see fit to mention that the commissioner, county sheriff, county assessor, county treasurer, county coroner, and county surveyor are also Democrats.

It really must be heart breaking that four non-Democrats are holding up the election of seven Democrats.

Oh, wait, ...FLASH: Democrat-In-Chief Hall has just declared an amnesty that lets all the Democrats win, including herself, regardless of documentation.

V'hat a kontry ve liff in...


10 years ago @ Daily - D. Dalsbo: Why isn\'t ... · 0 replies · -1 points

I support the police (black white or mixed-race) over criminals (black white or mixed-race) like Brown and Garner.
If a Grand Jury sees no case to prosecute then there is no reason for a trial.

Gratuitous rioting and looting appeals to sociopaths of all races.


10 years ago @ Daily - Traci Brown: Who\'s pr... · 0 replies · +3 points

If you're sitting in the middle of a street "demonstrating" I hope for your sake the stress does not cause me to have a "senior moment" where I confuse the brake and accelerator pedals.

10 years ago @ Daily - Udall plays key role i... · 0 replies · -2 points

Americans torture Muslim Terrorists with sleep deprivation, water sports, and loud music.

Muslim Terrorists torture Americans with mutilation, burning, acid, beheadings, and Democrats.


10 years ago @ Daily - Editorial: Scott Gessl... · 1 reply · -3 points

My IQ is too low to comprehend your reply.
Could you please explain your intent/meaning so that a knuckle dragger like me can understand?

10 years ago @ Daily - Editorial: Scott Gessl... · 4 replies · -9 points

Quentin Young provides us with a brilliant, objective, and incisive analysis of Boulder County Election procedures with specific suggestions on how to improve them...

Oh, wait... it was a party-line hit piece that was none of the above.

So, Quentin, are you happy with with your hit & run knockout punch? I'm sure all your Liberal Progressive journalism professors would be proud of their little boy. Fogging, misdirection, deflection, and name-calling are their stock in trade.

This link goes to an example (.pdf) of specific procedural changes that would greatly increase the reliability of elections in any Colorado county - Boulder in particular:

Quentin, would you also dismiss these suggestions as the "partisan attacks"?

Quentin, how about telling us your own voter registration. Could it be that you are a partisan collaborator with the DEM Dynasty and seek to further their continued domination - by whatever means necessary - of the Boulder political scene?

Here is a pull quote from that report:

"If Eastern Ukraine had elections, and Vladimir Putin then established himself as both a candidate and the manager of the election staff, what would Americans say about that?

...having a clerk, who is both a candidate and the manager of the election office staff [as in Boulder County] is an identical situation.

I can honestly tell you that if I was in that situation, I would recuse myself. My personal integrity and ethics would not allow me to do otherwise."

'I did not have sex with that woman,' Bill Clinton, a DEM president.

'I followed the law,' Hillary Hall, a DEM County Clerk

All the details are In this Report:

Boulder County Clerk and Recorder violated state law by:
* Illegally appointing election judges;
* Illegally limiting watcher access to signature verification;
* Improperly concealing and limiting watcher access to the vote tally area;
* Improperly limiting Secretary of State staff access to ballot processing;
* Treating election judges and watchers in a biased and inconsistent manner;
* Illegally failing to verify signatures on ballots electronically submitted by military and overseas voters

Personal integrity and ethics is not a common attribute in Boulder County government.