


70 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Goon's World - Chris Donovan vs. Evan... · 0 replies · +1 points

Wow, that's about the last departing player I'd have picked to get in a fight this year.

12 years ago @ Goon's World - NHL throws the book at... · 0 replies · +3 points

Wow, a simple well thought out explanation; so far this is awesome. Anyone who watched the video and thinks this suspension is too long, just doesn't get it; I can't wait to see the rest of the goons get chewed up by this new machine.

12 years ago @ Goon's World - RW77's Take on Confere... · 1 reply · +1 points

I would just like to point out a couple of things; McLeod and Shepard are not in the NCHC and until they are invited, there will always be a reason to form the new conference. The WCHA and the CCHA were not going to get together and decide that: DU,CC,UND,UMD,UNO,and Miami would be in the same conference; so those teams decided for themselves. Like-minded was a catch phrase used to explain the complicated process of selecting teams for a new conference, just ask Dr. Earl Potter how complicated it is to explain without a catch phrase. I don't care who is a hypocrite, greedy, or who started what; I just hope this is good for (college) hockey, because there's not a damn thing we can do about any of it. Welcome to the dark-side SCSU; sit down, have a cigar, and enjoy the ride; because this is not the end by any means.

12 years ago @ Goon's World - Waiting to Exhale, the... · 1 reply · +1 points

I miss your earlier post; but wanted to throw my hat into the ring; someone has to be wrong, right.

1. DU
2. UND
3. CC
4. UW
5. UNO
6. UM
7. UMD
8. UAA
9. BSU
10. SCSU
11. MSU-M
12. MTU

PS: You write so eloquently when you want to ;-)

13 years ago @ Goon's World - Dean Millard talks wit... · 1 reply · +2 points

i miss the comment counter at the bottom of the post.

13 years ago @ Goon's World - Gino Gaspirini gets ex... · 0 replies · +3 points

I realize this as I'm sure you realize the fans are not the ones who decide. The reason I believe SCSU is a better fit is because they are up and coming more so than WMU and there are more established rivalries with SCSU, and they bring more attendance to the NCHC's centralized area. WMU bring a big time coach (but for haw long) and a foot in the door of Michigan (which i think is inportant to the NCHC).

13 years ago @ Goon's World - CHL vs the NCAA, is th... · 1 reply · +1 points

This seams like a good idea, but it would be complicated to implement and why would the CHL sign on. Until the CHL starts losing something they want things to be exactly the way they are, they have no rules or consequences, everyone is steering recruits towards them, and they can claim (and probably are) the best because of it.

13 years ago @ Goon's World - Gino Gaspirini gets ex... · 3 replies · +3 points

I know I'm late to reply and this isn't an argument against SCSU; but I can say this, CC was coming with DU no matter what. I personally think CC belongs for a few reasons, but the fact remains that you can have one without the other. When I think back to the teams my parents hated when they came to town: UW, UMn, UND, UMD, DU, and CC all come to mind. I think once UW and UMn decided to bolt the other four schools said: who's been down for the cause from the get go, who voted for the same things we've voted for (at the WCHA meetings), who can draw high end recruits, and who do we really hate. So now UMD and UND are in. Now they can't have a four team league so who else: Notre Dame is a no brainer (top five most noticeable colleges in the country), Miami has improved their team more in recent year than any other team (maybe ever) and there isn't any reason to believe they won’t be a national powerhouse for years to come, WMU is only coming if ND is (IMHO), and UNO is a bit of a mystery. The only thing I can think of is great fan base potential and Dean Blais (which is no small thing in the immature hockey world). So there you have it, SCSU might be the strongest team left out, but IF ND except this is an eight team league and that might just be the way things go for SCSU. IMHO SCSU is a better fit for the league than WMU in all respects, but not a better fit than UNO with all things considered.

13 years ago @ Goon's World - 2010-2011 NCAA College... · 0 replies · +1 points

5 of the top 8 will be NCHC. I notice that SCSU is on there, but Miami and Notre Dame are not; just sayin' :-p

13 years ago @ Goon's World - CHL vs the NCAA, is th... · 3 replies · +1 points

I understand the argument and it seems to be a forgone conclusion at this point, but is it illegal or even unethical to pay these kids to de-commit? Every kid and every family have to decide what is best for them, and usually that's take the money now and worry about everything else later.