


282 comments posted · 20 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Gift of the Magi (New ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Good observation. I agree with you: this story is about love.

BTW, in English if we use quotations marks around single words. we often mean this is not real. For example, if i say

Henry "loves" to take tests

I probably mean that he hates tests.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Simple English Composi... · 0 replies · +1 points

That's a good way to approach word meaning, but choosing the right word is not my purpose here.

Learning to paraphrase is a tool to make you more fluent. When you are talking to somebody, you usually don't have time to think of exactly the right word, but that's OK!

Paraphrase gives you freedom to talk without stopping. Just make the other person understand you, even if it is not perfect. Then you can speak fluently.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Simple English Composi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Paraphrase is a great tool, but don't forget about revisions, the best way to improve.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Simple English Composi... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yes, using other words (= paraphrase) is a great tool to help you become more fluent when speaking and writing. It will also increase your confidence.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Ten Commandments: Back... · 0 replies · +1 points

What did you find interesting about it? Please provide some details: did you learn anything new? What did it make you think of? Would you recommend it to your friends? Why?

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Anne of Green Gables · 0 replies · +1 points

A better way to say it:

When I read the book, I only understood a little, but when I watched the video, I felt this story was truly interesting ("Funny" = makes people laugh. Are you sure this is what you mean?).

On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Shyuejinn MAA <> wrote:

It's true that the video version can bring a novel to life. However, a book can also give you important details that are very hard to put in a movie. The book can also make the movie easier to understand.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Anne of Green Gables · 0 replies · +2 points

It's true that the video version can bring a novel to life. However, a book can also give you important details that are very hard to put in a movie. The book can also make the movie easier to understand.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Anne of Green Gables · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, indeed. Anne has an interesting face and a wonderful personality.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - Ten Commandments: Back... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for your comment. I'd like to know which parts were difficult.

9 years ago @ cute-language-learning... - The Wizard of Oz · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for your comment. Please explain: why is the Wizard of Oz interesting? Which parts of the story interested you the most?