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13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 0 replies · +2 points

The main objection to the argument of moral equivalence is that it doesn't excuse the bad behavior in question. So, the Crusaders were awful, but that doesn't make Islamic extremism and the history of Islamic conquest suddenly innocent. Plus, as I mentioned the Crusades were a long time ago, were launched in large part as a reaction to Islamic invasion and conquest, and no matter how brutal they were, they don't ameliorate what I'm saying about Islamic jihad doctrine.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 0 replies · +2 points


I wrote this piece and =I'm not sure where I got 6,000 killed by the Inquisition figure right now, but I just went to wikipedia (I know, I know), and they have this to say: "It is likely that the total would be between 3,000 and 5,000 executed."

I am interested in the truth, so could you point me to your sources?

13 years ago @ Big Peace - The Auschwitz Lines: 1... · 1 reply · +6 points

Its actually 17,228 attacks. Almost 5 every single day!

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 0 replies · +2 points

I posted a link to an article by Bill Warner about statistics and Islam. But, this sounds like an expanded version of that, and a good addition to my bibliography.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 1 reply · +6 points

In saying that Islam is "more" violent than other religions, I'm not denying the violence committed in the name of any other religion. History is full of examples of violence committed in the name of religion, but that doesn't make all religions equal.

In your comment, I find this telling: "land grab by the Holy Roman Empire to RETAKE possesion of certain sites in Turkey and down into Syria that were allegedly important to Christendom." [emphasis mine] Retake from whom? Muslims? How did they get taken? By Muslims passing out pamphlets and singing songs?

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 0 replies · +2 points

Kick gotten!

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 3 replies · +8 points

If you have any actual evidence, that I'm wrong, I'd like to see it. But, thanks for calling it interesting and well written!

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 0 replies · +7 points

I was just attempting to show that mathematically, the numbers aren't equivalent, so the comparison with the Inquisition fails on that account alone. But you have a very good point. You can't justify violence by the words and actions of Jesus, but the same is definitely not true for Muhammad.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 0 replies · +5 points

Thanks for the compliment.

As for the Inquisition death tolls, I'm not sure where I got 6,000 right now, but I just went to wikipedia (I know, I know), and they have this to say: "It is likely that the total would be between 3,000 and 5,000 executed."

How many do you think were killed and what is your source?

13 years ago @ Big Peace - My Journey Toward Isla... · 1 reply · +22 points

Thanks for all the positive feedback. I wrote the above piece and Lawrence thought it deserved a wider audience and was brave enough to post it. Hopefully the word gets out to more and more people!