Jimmy (ケンタ Kenta)

Jimmy (ケンタ Kenta)


3,709 comments posted · 80 followers · following 52

7 years ago @ http://themulti-classi... - Destiny 2 - New Legend... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, a cheap bobblehead essentially! XD

8 years ago @ Halolz - WOLF WEDNESDAY RETURNS. · 0 replies · +6 points

Nah, somebody tried to light a fire under both Shawn & Trunks' bums to get this place back up. Trunks said it's not really his site and Shawn?

Shawn: "I won't fix Halolz till Half-Life 3 comes out."

I seldom check back here unless I'm UBER bored. It'll dawn on me to pop by...

8 years ago @ Halolz - WOLF WEDNESDAY RETURNS. · 0 replies · +6 points

Mine's in Fallout 4 at the moment. Shame that this place is an empty shell of what it used to be...

Doesn't Shawn still sell t-shirts of this site or something?

8 years ago @ Halolz - WOLF WEDNESDAY RETURNS. · 1 reply · +6 points

You would fit in SO well with the RWBY fan group on Facebook...LMAO XD

They ship the female characters with everyone. EVERYONE.

Nothing is sacred.

Bumblebee, Checkmate, Ladybug...it's all there...

8 years ago @ Halolz - Metal Gear V: The Phan... · 3 replies · +6 points

It FEELS like we've been living a phantom pain without Halolz...I'm skeptical that this will last.

Also, where the hell is Alpar?

8 years ago @ Halolz - Metal Gear V: The Phan... · 0 replies · +6 points


8 years ago @ Halolz - BITCH, I'M A TRUCK · 0 replies · +11 points

At this point it's more akin to Schrodinger's cat. I'm like 70-30 that it's dead.

8 years ago @ Halolz - BITCH, I'M A TRUCK · 0 replies · +13 points


On this day, falconkind received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of the drought and were disgraced to live in these cages we called computers.

8 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] LEAKED Legend ... · 0 replies · +7 points

Hello, yes, you there on the other end of the screen? Miss Halolz? Well so do I my good sir and or madam! Well, fret not. You are cordially invited to my blog (Updates once per month or as time permits) http://themulti-classinggamer.blogspot.com/ No need to sign up or do anything fancy. Simply log into IntenseDebate as you are now and comment away. Video games, anime, nothing is off topic! Hell, if you wish to post yuri, feel free to do so till you are content.

Offer never expires...EVER. This place however...it's past due.

You can even suggest topics or images. It'll evolve with your input.

8 years ago @ Halolz - [VIDEO] LEAKED Legend ... · 0 replies · +3 points

No threesome supports though. THIS RUSTLES MY JIMMIES.