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7 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fifth ... · 4 replies · +3 points
7 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fifth ... · 1 reply · +17 points
7 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fifth ... · 6 replies · +15 points
And that doesn't excuse Carrot's thinking. Being anti-birth control isn't a requirement for being a dwarf. The preceding sections have been all about what makes or doesn't make someone a dwarf. Cheery is dressing in feminine clothing and using she/her pronouns. She's still a dwarf. There's no reason Carrot can't bite back his disapproval of someone who manufactures condoms.
And re-reading it, it's almost worse because Carrot is almost offering up "Views" as a legitimate motive for someone to murder Sonky. People like Carrot are the reason SCOTUS decided that employers should be able to keep birth control from being covered by their insurance benefits.
7 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fifth ... · 4 replies · +13 points
"People do have Views, sir," said Carrot coldly.
Yes, you do, don't you, Vimes thought. Dwarfs don't hold with that sort of thing.
And this implies that the prudishness (and judgment/shaming) is a dwarf thing, which is also hypocritical because dwarfs aren't supposed to care about how people manage their sex lives, they just don't talk about it. My reading is definitely disapproval from Carrot, not embarrassment.
7 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fifth ... · 20 replies · +39 points
First of all, we know that Carrot's relationship with Angua is sexual. That was made very clear in Men at Arms. So if Carrot is having sex with Angua and there have presumably been no pregnancies or pregnancy scares, clearly someone is doing something preventive in nature. This makes Carrot either oblivious or a hypocrite, because if he doesn't know or care why his relationship has remained free of offspring, then Angua is taking 100% of the burden of birth control on herself, leaving Carrot free to be all stiff and disapproving about the idea of preventing pregnancy while not having to deal with the consequences himself.
I am so sick of men, fictional or otherwise, claiming or implying that women are responsible (personally, financially, morally) for every aspect of human reproduction.
I'm sure that Pratchett's conception of Carrot as The Purest Boy Scout felt like him being a prude about birth control seemed like a logical extension, but I don't like it. Vimes is completely right that exercising reproductive control helps to keep families from growing outside of the parents' ability to care for them. Yes, a side benefit of that is reducing pressure on Ankh-Morpork's housing crisis, but it's also good for the women of the city who apparently only have the options of being family women and/or "seamstresses."
Speaking of seamstresses, while there has been little if any textual acknowledgement of the idea of the use of condoms for disease prevention, that's also something that's incredibly important. So maybe cool it with the birth control shaming, Carrot.
7 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Carpe Jugu... · 3 replies · +22 points
Pbafgnoyr Ivfvg naq Erireraq Bngf frrz gb zr gb or zrzoref bs n qr-snatrq eryvtvba gung abj graqf gbjneq rinatryvfz engure guna sbepvoyr pbairefvba naq/be qrngu. Naq Bngf zragvbaf gur znal fpuvfzf gung unir bppheerq bire cbvagf bs gurbybtvpny qvfnterrzrag, ohg gur qvssrerag frpgf nera'g ng jne jvgu rnpu bgure. Va snpg, vg eneryl trgf gb gur cbvag bs orneq-chyyvat naq svfgvphssf. Bngf lrneaf sbe gur qnlf bs jung ur pbafvqref gb or "erny eryvtvba" jvgubhg ernyyl guvaxvat nobhg ubj oybbql vg jnf. Guvf gryyf zr gung gubfr ngebpvgvrf ner sne njnl va gur cnfg. Anaal unf jvgpu yber gung unf orra cnffrq qbja gb ure, ohg guvf vf gur svefg zbqrea Bzavna fur'f zrg. Fur gnxrf gur vqrn bs jvgpu-oheavat irel crefbanyyl ohg unf ab erprag hcqngrf gb jung fur jnf gnhtug jura fur jnf yrneavat jvgpupensg. Vg'f yvxr gerngvat lbhe bayl Pngubyvp npdhnvagnapr jvgu qrrc fhfcvpvba orpnhfr lbh jrer gbyq fgbevrf bs gur Vadhvfvgvba.
8 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Jingo': Pa... · 1 reply · +11 points
8 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Jingo': Pa... · 0 replies · +16 points
8 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'Jingo': Pa... · 0 replies · +22 points
I really love the subversion of the "ambush some locals to get clothes for disguises" trope.
8 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Wizard... · 1 reply · +28 points
Pont is great. Such an interesting character.