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8 years ago @ The Toast - Friday Open Thread! · 3 replies · +53 points

You guys I started sleep training my baby and it is going V WELL and all of your help earlier this week really bolstered my confidence and HOW WILL I EVER RAISE MY BABY WITHOUT THE TOAST

It is possible that my newly well-rested state is giving me more energy than I can handle. I am drunk on sleep.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Friday Open Thread! · 0 replies · +14 points

You will be FINE either way. There is no one better to make the decision than you and your doctors! The important thing is to totally ignore anyone else's opinion about your labor and birth. Why people feel like they get input on someone else's medical procedure just because it is a birth is BEYOND ME. At no point during my labor when I was debating pain relief was I like "you know who would know what I should do right now is my mother-in-law, give me the phone and we'll see what she recommends".

My husband has a v big head (like, the hats for his little league team wouldn't squeeze onto his noggin so he had to wear adult hats) so I was also worried about giving birth. My baby has a big head (90th percentile-ish) and I gave birth vaginally and unmedicated and it was as fine as those things ever are. But that is me and my body and my baby and yours might be totally different and that is FINE.

And really, there aren't any unnatural births. However the baby gets out will be just fine.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup · 0 replies · +11 points

Love old lady names on babies! I hope Betty makes a comeback.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Friday Bargain Bin · 1 reply · +36 points

you RINSE it? Showoff.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 0 replies · +4 points

Youuuuu guyyyyyyyyyys guess what!

I let baby girl cry a lil bit last night when she woke up 30 minutes after I put her to bed. I determined that 6 minutes was the max time I could handle before soothing her, and I checked on her 3 times before she fell asleep. So, 20 minutes or so of crying.

And then! She only woke up once during the night to eat! Was it a fluke? I will find out! Regardless this seems like excellent progress.

See, now, this is why the Toast can never leave, how else will I raise my child?

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is so helpful!!!! Thank you.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes it IS physically painful when she cries! Oh my gosh.

Zzzz's to you, as well :)

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 2 replies · +5 points

I have heard that! Well, there is another bedroom that will be hers eventually, but it's allll the way up the stairs and across the house. I could put her in the (large) closet? Or maybe hang a sheet off her crib so she can't see me? She can probably smell me though, lil animal

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 4 replies · +3 points

I should mention too that her crib is in the room with us, which makes the whole thing a little harder. Like, do I lay there for 10 minutes before I go to her? She knows I'm there, right? It seems mean.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread In Lieu Of... · 0 replies · +3 points

Thank you! This is so nice to hear, sometimes I think of her as a riddle to be solved and it's comforting to know that if I can't solve it she will probably still be fine.