I think the Doctors have a case to answer, but Stern !!!! Anna wore the pants in that relationship, NOTHING would have stopped her getting what she wanted.
I must be cruel but this still cracks me up!!
Doing fine, Dentist this morning !!! we have came along way in Dentistry in the past Decade!! LOL, My country seems to be going down the pan, LUNATICS HAVE TAKEN OVER THE ASYLUM!!! Did you happen to see Hannitys report the other night of Islamic Fanatics demonstrating at the homecoming of OUR troops!!! MAD AS HELL!!! Police protect the Muslims and arrest citizens who took offence!!
Could you elaborate on this case!!!! I remember a case that was hardly covered in the nedia, a young white couple car-jacked then tortured, raped and shot , AWFUL!!!
Question??? Do US citizens pay Death Taxes ???
There is a huge drive to fill positions here in the UK, unfortunately they are looking for candidates to work in JOB CENTERS!!!!
A couple of years ago, here in the UK, some dimwit decided that maternity wards could NOT refer to HUSBAND or WIFE, in case it offended unwed people, WTH!!!
I am actually starting to feel sorry for thet Geitner(spelling) guy, is he not the only guy in his department!!! HA!! HA!!
I am appalled at the way GB was treated, it really WAS insulting, i would have shoved the DVDs "where the sun dont shine", GB gave Obama such wonderful gifts, and the returnning of the Churchill bust was rubbing salt on the wound, I here Obama is to meet our Queen, the very idea leaves me LIVID, i hope Liz books them into the nearest B&B, the very thought of them in Buck Palace makes me feel SICK!!!!