You're right about those pavers. :)
I agree that the example was unattractive. I just used my own imagination to how it would look. :)
I also agree with you. They should keep the original knocker.
How have you been LLColeman? I've been away for awhile. A lot of newcomers to this site. I've been checking in now and then but haven't been that active on this cabin. I love Maine but I do not understand why DIY has to change so much on the homes they redo. Your right about the house in VA. I could not believe that it was the same home. They took away all its integrity. The home turned out nice, but DIY should definitely change the name of this site as they are not "Cabins" at all. They should change the name to a "Makeover Homes" rather than reno's or cabins. Sorry everyone. Don't get me wrong, I do like how the homes turn out but they are definitely not cabins. I also think they should change up the design teams every so often to get input from other great designers that DIY has. I don't mean to sound like sour grapes to all the new people here but the ones that have been here awhile understand where I am coming from.
Sorry, I have been away for awhile also. Happy Belated Birthday!
Me too! Everyone has a shot though. It only takes one entry to win. Sorry everyone, but I hope it is me. I love Virginia. I've wanted to settle there since I went down there in 1975. Oh well, it's nice to dream. Good luck to everyone!
Good luck with your surgery. I hope you will be as good as new soon. Take advantage of the room service. LOL
Thank you for sharing that wonderful experience with us. Rose was a special person. Everyone comes into our lives for a reason. It is what you take from the experiences that make you a better person. All people have something to contribute if you listen close enough. I'll also share a piece of wisdom my girlfriend's grandmother gave me when I was in a crossroads in my life. She said this will carry me all through life if I follow her bit of wisdom. She stated, "Never look back or you will fall in the ditch in front of you." Never regret anything, always learn from your mistakes and move forward.