


26 comments posted · 4 followers · following 5

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Quantum Of Solace Call... · 0 replies · +1 points

Welcome:-) Thank you for visiting and for sharing your thoughts. I'll be sharing more on this subject in the future. And I look forward to our exchanges of Bond soon.

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - 20th Anniversary Of Wo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for visiting and for sharing a comment. I hope more of my colleagues will join the efforts at prevention rather than distance themselves. This might be where realism and pragmatism desert me, but I continue to hope they'll come around :-)

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Russian Warship Transi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dave you mek mi laff,
Real Jamaican suspicion that. A dear friend of mine would respond me a friendly war ship and I'll show you a vegetarian wolf!
Come on! The people say they are on a friendly visit:-)

Ok they actually went to do some joint military training or some such with Venezuela and thought they'd sail by and say hello the the Panamanians while giving the crew some rest and stocking upon supplies. So there you go - a 'perfectly innocent' trip.

But on the other hand they do wish to remind the region that they are still good trading partners and let USA know that they are not the only 'big guns' around. Or something to that effect.

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Russian Warship Transi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hello Bro,
You are right of course.
There is a nuclear vessel called Peter the Great lurking about somewhere in a top secret location. And who knows what else is around.
So far the 'friendliness' of the visit in these parts is causing quite a buzz. Latin America has been under US influence for a long time, but communism/socialism is far from dead in the impulses of the people.
So that makes Russia's friendly visit set off alarm bells big time:-)

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Unbelievable! A Panama... · 0 replies · +1 points

You are right in the correction in saying 'our' pecans. Clearly these are 'our' coconuts. Now you have me wondering if there is more than one of them. Anyway, the lesson is that we all need to survive!
Good to 'see' you as always!

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Quantum Of Solace Call... · 0 replies · +1 points


Thank you for visiting and for sharing that link with us. I watched the trailer and loved what I saw.

When you can, please send me more information to share with my readers my email - marvia(at)marviaspanamajournal(dot)com

I'll be sharing the trailer here and at Facebook for starters.

Best wishes with your production:-)

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Quantum Of Solace Call... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for stopping by Colin.

Well listen out for them flinging the phrase around some more and watch the increasing bottled water production as well.


16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Panama November Rains ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hello Christina,
I'm sorry that you haven't been able to make contact with your family. Send me an email at the address in the post with their numbers and I'll try to assist you. Land lines are working in Bocas Del Toro but cell phones are still acting up. Keep praying for us all.

16 years ago @ Marvia's Panama J... - Panama November Rains ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. . I hope you are home now. Were you alone or were others with you? That must have been a really horrifying experience as I know how isolated that area is.
Thank God you made it!
Keep well.

16 years ago @ Growing Your Church - Magician Or Messiah - ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll email you my observations and questions:-)
Thanks again for dropping in.