


16 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 0 replies · +3 points

Listening now..It's 78.2 MB

Thanks again.

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 1 reply · +2 points

Got that far yesterday, Tony..
Half hour later, 65 MB ,with no end in sight..How long does it take to download??

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 1 reply · +2 points

Not sure how much relevancy Ollie Stone has to anyone here ???

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 4 replies · +17 points

Falco, I agree that heads should roll, but what's the hurry now? When Trump wins , A&Z, etc. should leak all the universe shattering info ,bit by bit.
Let the low info crowd absorb it. Let the corrupt media eat crow for a while.
Then start prosecuting the lieutenants in this scam. Get a few convictions. Watch AKA and Mooch squirm a while,..then go in for the kill. (With Rudy, of course)

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 3 replies · +5 points

I spent 10 min. trying to negotiate that mish- mash page, then my computer said I had to install an app to play the podcast..
All I know.
I guess I didn't miss anything.Nobody's talking about it.

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Audio: Top Trump Advis... · 2 replies · +5 points

So..what did Zullo say? I'm not gonna install some crappy app at this point, just to listen to The Pastor babble on..


7 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Donald Trump An... · 0 replies · +11 points

cc, If you've been with this, you know what a sensitive issue it is.
The fact that AKA appears to be Black, and also the guilt over slavery , 150 years ago, makes this whole deal unique.
Look at the LS media hyping this as a racial issue in the last two days.
Everybody here knows AKA is dirty.Getting it into the mainstream has always been the problem.
I say kudos to anyone who has tried, no matter how they went about it.

7 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: CNN Chris Cuomo... · 0 replies · +17 points

I agree. The BC issue was the thing that led me to DT in the first place.Then the wall, and the extreme vetting of immigrants. (might as well say Muslims, as that's what they are , 90 something %).
Good enough for me. I didn't want to hear any more from lying politicians.
A good portion of the Trump base knows he knows more about this..This will only re-ignite them.
(I-D lost my account after I had to change email address .They're still looking for it, I guess)

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Senior Trump Ad... · 0 replies · +1 points

I replied to Ike 3 times, and it goes to mod....then deleted???
Where's the ID login????

8 years ago @ Birther Report - Video: Senior Trump Ad... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey putz...I'm logged in to ID