


29 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - New Assistant Principa... · 0 replies · +2 points

If her existing position isn't being filled, why was it necessary previously?

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - No one is \"Anti-Teach... · 0 replies · +3 points

I think he should agree to merge ... providing the school being merged into sets tuition rates equal to He'Atid tuition rates. For all grades.

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - No one is \"Anti-Teach... · 0 replies · +1 points

the legacies thought "blended learning" was a crock of you know what and they used this as a talking point to bash Heatid?

Come on! Anything that brings in a million bucks to your school is NOT a crock.

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - AJE Founder Responds t... · 0 replies · +1 points

Maybe you havent noticed, but most college graduates are not getting jobs today.

Unemployment rate for those with a bachelors degree is 4.5% (2012), and lower today -

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - AJE Founder Responds t... · 0 replies · +2 points

There is absolutely a huge value to an inclusive Jewish education. I'm not going to debate that.

I'm not so sure about this as I used to be. I am beginning to suspect that the massive shift to the right (that may be destroying orthodox Judaism) is caused by universal and mandatory yeshiva education for all.

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - AJE Founder Responds t... · 0 replies · +5 points

I don't understand the underlying assumption that R' Krauss and others like him always make. They assume that EVERYONE has to attend the same kind of school, and pay $17+k of tuition. That makes no sense at all, we don't all live in $750k houses, some of us live in $200k houses, some in $500k houses, and some in $1M+ houses. The same applies to cars, to vacations, to food and to everything else. So why do they think education is somehow different? What is wrong with varying schools, some with $10k tuition, some with $17k tuition, and some with $35k tuition? Each family will choose the kind of education they want and can afford and will send their children to the place with the best fit.

Furthermore, why is it legitimate to have schools separated by hashkafa, but not separated by affordability? Especially when the differences of hashkafa are often quite small (see "narcissism of small differences").

Shabbat Shalom everyone.

11 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Ultra-Orthodox Bring P... · 0 replies · +5 points

And therein lies one of the cores of the problem. Why does Jonathan Rosenblum live a life that will cause his children/grandchildren to be less than he is, less educated, less erudite, poorer, and most likely less derech eretz (though this one isn't completely certain, just likely)? Why does he accept that fact and situation so readily? Meanwhile, everyone else in the world strives to create a situation such that their children/grandchildren are more, or at least have a chance to be more, than their parents are.

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - Register to Vote · 0 replies · +2 points

That's not quite what End Welfare said (or meant). I think he/she meant that people who send their kids to private school shouldn't feel entitled to public education money. I think he/she would also oppose having public funds going to an African-American private school.

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - Register to Vote · 0 replies · +2 points

It's interesting, but what does it mean? Where is it from?

11 years ago @ http://yeshivasanity.b... - Rabbi Discount · 0 replies · +2 points

Maybe Rambam had a right to be angry. At just bar mitzvah age, he and his family had to run away from their home and spend the next decade or two running from the various people that intended to force them to convert or die. What's astounding is that he completed the massive Mishneh Torah during that time!