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10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - New Equestria Girls In... · 5 replies · +3 points

I don't know, with a magic sword or something?

But even then, why even bother? My Little Pony jumped the shark to me because of the Naruto/Bleach levels of power creep within both Twilight and Tirek. It used to be about friendship, but it abandoned that notion entirely for the sake of that one fight scene.

Even the bronies jumped the shark! By liking the fight scene but hating the Rainbow Power and Rainbow Castle, they're implying that MLP should just become DBZ, Bleach, and Naruto from now on, where it abandons its roots to turn Twilight into an overpowered savior of the universe, and her friends into disposable extras who might as well be murdered to demonstrate each new villain's power levels.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - New Equestria Girls In... · 7 replies · +5 points

So you're implying that MLP should just be stupidly sky-high power levels, a la Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and Bleach, because the magic of friendship no longer matters to you. And, that Twilight's friends should just be murdered to demonstrate Tirek's power levels, and Equestria blown up, just because it happened plenty of times in DBZ.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - New Equestria Girls In... · 9 replies · +1 points

I don't know. They cut off his horns? After all, you cut off a unicorn or alicorn's horn, and she loses her magical abilities. The same might as well be said for Tirek.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - New Equestria Girls In... · 24 replies · +3 points

Well, here's the thing. People like Tommy Oliver and Dr. Wolf 001 liked the fight scene between Twilight/Tirek, despite it demonstrating a heavy power imbalance between Twilight and her friends. However, those same people, including the two aforementioned brony analysts, hated the Rainbow Power and Rainbow Castle, despite them representing the girls' bonds of friendship.

As a result, I came up with one, ridiculous conclusion: The fans want MLP to toss aside everything that made it good in the first place, including the friendship motif, just to turn into Dragon Ball Z, whereby the main-protagonist becomes an overpowered savior of the universe, while her supporting cast all get reduced to nearly non-existent extras. And as I think about that conclusion, it almost makes me wonder as to why they liked that fight, when Naruto and Bleach are suffering miserably for the same reason the Twilight/Tirek fight succeeded, and have to end as a result.

Seriously, look at Naruto and Bleach and compare it to One Piece. The first two Shonen Jump manga are suffering because they're falling for the same traps and pitfalls that made up My Little Pony's Season Four finale. But when you look at One Piece, at the very least it limits its own main-protagonist's powers and abilities, while giving tons of spotlight and focus to his own pirate crew.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - New Equestria Girls In... · 37 replies · +27 points

So now Twilight goes from cheating on her friends for their human counterparts because of how useless they are, to being stolen by the Human Five for the sake of winning a Battle of the Bands contest.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Rainbow Rocks Trailer ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Great, now we went from Twilight abandoning her useless friends for their human counterparts, to said human counterparts stealing her from her real friends!

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Hasbro Misses Revenue ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's because in Dragon Ball Z, the supporting characters are often beaten up or murdered to demonstrate each new villain's power levels, forcing either Goku, or his son Gohan at the end of the Cell Games, to save the day because of their saiyan heritage.

People probably grew accustomed to this crap, so as a result they probably wanted the same thing to happen to Twilight's friends: Get them all murdered by Tirek to demonstrate his power levels, so that an overpowered (if not Mary Sue-like) Twilight Sparkle could be the only one to stop him with her alicorn magic.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Hasbro Misses Revenue ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I already know what the Evangelion ending was like. It ended with humanity going extinct and merging into a single being, while Shinji Ikari becomes some sort of god.

So how can Twilight's friends getting murdered for the over-empowerment of Twilight herself be related to Evangelion's ambiguous downer ending?

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Drawfriend Stuff #1233 · 1 reply · +1 points

I haven't smoked anything since my time at a boarding school in around 2008-2009. But even then, I keep hearing people, like Tommy Oliver and Dr. Wolf, constantly criticize the Rainbow Power and Rainbow Castle for their designs and toyetic nature, but loving the Twilight/Tirek fight for technically being Dragon Ball Z, again.

Therefore, everyone secretly wants Twilight's friends to be murdered to demonstrate Tirek's power levels, as well as to make Twilight even more godlike, like the way Krillin's death turned Goku into a god on the level of Frieza.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Drawfriend Stuff #1233 · 3 replies · +1 points

The moment both Twilight and the Mane Five received Rainbow Power was a redeeming factor for the latter. In the S4 finale, after the way they learned lessons about their Elements of Harmony and received keys as a result, they were disempowered and victimized just to make Twilight an overpowered god with the other three princesses' alicorn magic.

Not only that, but people hated the Rainbow Power but liked the Twilight/Tirek fight scene. As a result, they're unintentionally implying that Twilight's friends should in fact be murdered to demonstrate Tirek's power levels, and to give Twilight a more meaningful character arc.