


408 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Muhyiddin cries sabota... · 0 replies · +2 points

The problem with this country is that the minister holds more than one portfolio namely: Deputy Prime Minister and at the same time as Education Minister. I always believed both portfolios are important and has it own roles to play, great emphasis of efforts and time need to be spent individually, therefore should pass over the Education Minister post to someone else who is more capable.

For the sake of the nation and the future generation, DPM shall let go his Education Minister!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - UM’s Azmi Sharom... · 0 replies · +16 points

What has gone wrong with this country, such comment made by academic staff are facing persecution! Those utter even much more terrible racial and religion attacks were free. Our leader should really look into this, something is apparently very wrong here!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - In burying our dead, s... · 0 replies · +3 points

My comments status quo as in my posting at the very beginning of this tragic incident.

"Whoever shot down the commercial airliner with 298 lives on board, must be brought to justice !
This is an act of uncivilized humans and cowards!"

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Ukraine says rebels sh... · 0 replies · +2 points

"A rebel leader said Ukrainian forces shot the airliner down. Ukrainian official said their military was not involved."

Don't care! Whoever shot down the commercial airliner with 298 lives on board, must be brought to justice !

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - US warns against remov... · 1 reply · +78 points

Whoever shot down the commercial airliner with 298 lives on board, must be brought to justice !
This is an act of uncivilized humans and cowards!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Privatise MAS to save ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Talking privatization again ! How many times this airlines company need to be privatized?

No lessons learned from the previous failures done earlier ? What a pity.

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Youths don’t see... · 0 replies · +53 points

" .......government had many agencies that could relate the rakyat's grouses and sufferings"

Can you tell us which one?

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Billions at risk if ta... · 0 replies · +13 points

Another "quiet" action of BN government during this present time where most Malaysians pay attention to World Cup and less to bill debates in Parliment .....Senyap-senyap get it passed thru then put all Malaysians in hot soups.

Hi BN out there ! People know what is your motive for this bill ! People are watching you ! Careful what you do !

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Dr Mahathir confirms a... · 0 replies · +7 points

"My plan is to work with Proton, and make it (Proton) a success,"

If the above statement is true, Proton has already became one of the top 10 if not 20 car manufacturers in the world. BUT after almost coming close to 3 decades with the continuing supports from the government, today it still struggling and unable to see bright future ahead.

Something is very wrong with the national car manufacturer!

10 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Mahathir iri hati deng... · 0 replies · +2 points

"Mengapa sesetengah lori pakai tayar celup, jawabnya kerana tidak ada tayar asli. Calon BN itu bolehlah disifatkan sebagai tayar celup sahaja."

Perbandingan di atas yang disebut oleh saudara penulis memang tepat sekali bagi menggambarkan situasi parti minoriti yang kini sedang memerintah hanya atas "kemampuan memanipulasikan sistem pilihanraya umum" setahun dahulu dan tahun-tahun sebelum ini.