


1,176 comments posted · 18 followers · following 12

9 years ago @ HGTV Dreams Happen: Sw... - What’s Your Favorite... · 2 replies · +7 points

DBCoop! I haven't been on this blog for many, many years...I think since about 2009 or so! I very vividly remember your comments and your wonderful assessments of all of the beautiful Dream Homes of years past. I was watching HGTV this morning and thinking to myself, "I wonder what ever happened to all of my old Dream Home blogging friends." So, I thought I would just stop by to say hello and you are! I hope you have had many great years since we last blogged together! Not sure if you remember me but I went through a period of Dream Home blogging and I certainly look back on this community as a wonderful time in my life. Well, years have passed by us so quickly, but I want to shout out to all of you and, of course, wish everyone all the best in the Dream Home Sweepstakes! I had sent in a tape to HGTV back in 2009, or maybe it was 2008, to try out to be the next "Super Fan" when they were looking to replace Gail Fenton. It was fun and silly! My family and friends sure did love seeing it and got a real kick out of it. I still have friends of friends of friends ask me about it! {giggle} Although I haven't been following this blog, I am most certainly still a Super Fan of it all of the time! Oh, and, yes, Fixer Upper is my favorite! I've been a Realtor in Pennsylvania for almost twenty years and I guess life moved along and business picked up since the crash of the economy when I had a bit more time to blog away. Anyway, I am so, so happy to see you on here as well as some of the other original familiar names on this blog! My best to you DBCoop and to all of the HGTV Dreamers, both old and new! <3

14 years ago @ HGTV Dream Home - The Winner Is … · 8 replies · +13 points


Thank you...for giving us fresh ideas which help us to make our houses our homes.

Thank you...for giving us blind friendship on this blog where there should be no judging and everyone can just be themselves.


Thank you for giving us all a few times each day where we can take a moment to breathe and dream, if just for a little while, about what possibly could happen because HGTV gave us all the same chance to be a winner.

From my home to yours, a GIANT CONGRATULATIONS to Eric Makstenieks and his family for dreaming just like the rest of us.

Thank you HGTV!

Living the Dream!

Lynn Coggin

P.S. I, for one, will definitely be tuning in to watch the Dream Home Special just as I planned prior to this announcement…and, yes, I will still be dreaming tonight.

14 years ago @ HGTV Dream Home - The Winner Is … · 1 reply · +8 points

Okay...hello my dear old friends. I haven't been on here for a very long time...sometimes life just takes over and gets in the way of some of the things that are very important to us...and I sincerely apologize for leaving my true HGTV friends behind.

However, I feel like this is a time to come back and stop stalking and start talking...

Shame on everyone who is feeling a little deceived by HGTV. For years and years HGTV has brought joy and happiness and great ideas into our lives and into our homes. We (especially us Super Bloggers) have all spent countless hours coveting their programs and their hosts, enjoying Mary's wit through this blog, and ogling over Super Fan's enthusiasm for her exceptional sleuthing. Now is not the time to turn our backs on HGTV. Now, my friends, is the time to turn to HGTV and say a simple "Thank You".


14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - HGTV Green Home 2011 L... · 7 replies · +1 points

WOW! I love the people in the video! It seriously makes me want to go back in time to when all five of my children were litlle elementary school aged kids...I would move there in a minute! I could be a Realtor (which is what I am still) and our kids could grow up in a close-knit environment. We have always felt very blessed that our kids grew up in a very close-knit community but Stapleton sounds so like the up and coming community of years gone by.

The best thing about about this community for me is that I would very, very close to my college roomie who livesin Denver! Very fun HGTV and a perfect reunion! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Good luck everyone!

Living the Dream!

14 years ago @ HGTV Dream Home - A Diversion from Dream... · 0 replies · +1 points


I would love to meet. I'm not too far so I could come down and would love to take you to lunch someday. Here's to meeting up with you in the future. Wouldn't it be perfect to have an HGTV Fan travel around and meet up with all of the bloggers and report back about what a great blogging crew we are?

In closing, I hope you are doing more than well and I think of you and your beautiful mind often! :)

Living the Dream!

14 years ago @ HGTV Dream Home - A Diversion from Dream... · 0 replies · +1 points

Lessie!!!!! So happy to hear from you my friend! My how time flies!

Agreed...Maryland is a great state as well as the surrounding states. Our children have been to camp in Maryland since my oldest (who is now 26) was in second grade. It is a sailing camp which is very beautiful. We have often thought about moving to Maryland...there are so many lovely areas. But, Baltimore, is amazing to me. I grew up in Pennsylvania and went to college in North Carolina so traveling through Baltimore, down good old Interstate 95, over the years sure has been an eyeopener. Baltimore has made an unbelievable transformation over the years. We have also sailed around the Chesapeake Bay...ahhh...a little slice of heaven for sure!


14 years ago @ HGTV Dream Home - A Diversion from Dream... · 1 reply · +2 points

Oh, reneelovesgreen, I miss you bunches as well! So brough a little pitter-patter to my heart when I read your message. ;)

So, how the heck are you my friend? Oh my, I remember when you moved to FL! How is that going? Are you so glad you made that move even after this amount of time which has passed? Do tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Living the Dream!

14 years ago @ HGTV Dream Home - A Diversion from Dream... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, the BB&B near us didn't close down but the Old Navy right next door did close although itmoved not too far away from us. I hope that the BB&B does not close because it is so convenient and I know lots of people who love to use their coupons to go shopping for small appliances, linens, and those, oh so needed, last minute candles everyone needs before the guests arrive.

Wait, is it just me, who loves a low light to hide that I didn't spic and span my floor earlier inthe day? Love candles..they hide a multitude of sins (and dustbunnies), don't they? ;)

Living the Dream!

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - HGTV Green Home 2011 L... · 2 replies · +3 points


All of these HGTV Sweepstakes going on right before our very eyes is certainly BEYOND my expectations!

Thanks HGTV for sharing over and over again! And, thanks to Bed, Bath & Beyond for making a dream into a reality for some special winner as well!

Now, I’m really…Living the Dream! ;)

P.S. My friends call me the “Cruise Director” because I always want to share important info with them…well…this is important, isn’t it?

14 years ago @ HGTV Green Home - HGTV Green Home 2011 L... · 1 reply · +2 points

Now, I posted this on the Dream Home blog and the Urban Oasis blog so for those of you who are all over HGTV like I am, please forgive the triple posts. I would never leave out my Green friends...

Hmmm…is it “From Infinity and Beyond” OR is it “From HGTV and Bed, Bath & Beyond”?

Good evening to all HGTV Bloggers!

Now, we all remember how Disney/Pixar was a sponsor of the HGTV Dream Home, right? Don’t we all remember how our very clever Interior Designer, Linda Woodrum, decorated the Kids Dream Bedroom in the HGTV Dream 2010? A little Buzz LightYear here, a little Woody from Toy Story there…ahhh…precious!

Well, for those who may have missed this, HGTV has now teamed up with Bed, Bath & Beyond to offer another sweepstakes for all of us to enjoy! It’s a Home Sweet Dorm Sweeps! So, hurry…enter this sweepstakes and you could be the next winner of a $15,000 Shopping Spree AND a Design Consultation with a real live HGTV Designer! Here is the info my friends…
