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8 years ago @ - Lana Thanks Natalya, W... · 0 replies · +5 points

Being a "grown man cena fan", I'd be surprised if you had kids either to be honest.

9 years ago @ - Big WWE Rumors for Sum... · 0 replies · +1 points

I said before, and got thumbed down. Sting is gonna interfere and cost Taker his match with Lesnar, setting up for WM32.

9 years ago @ - CM Punk on "Slimy Poli... · 0 replies · -5 points

That's the daftest thing I ever heard. Punk will fight for UFC sometime, and the buyrate will be big.

9 years ago @ - Backstage Notes on Rec... · 0 replies · +9 points

Not sure I agree. Just means Cena is a draw. When the likes of Hogan and Austin were on top, some people bought tickets just to see them.

9 years ago @ - WWE Tough Enough Compe... · 1 reply · -33 points

Why is Tommy Dreamer tweeting crap like that? I know wrestling is known as a work these days, but Dreamer doesn't have to shove it in people's faces with such comments.

9 years ago @ - Backstage Notes on The... · 0 replies · -5 points

Actually, I predict this too. Only I feel WWE will try to portray it as a babyface versus babyface feud. So yeah, I reckon Sting interferes.

9 years ago @ - Ex-WCW Announcer Rips ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Would Art Donovan count, given he only announced one PPV as a guest? Now that guy announcing the 94 King Of The Ring... I think I'd take any of those three you named over him, as bad as they ever were.

9 years ago @ - Ex-WCW Announcer Rips ... · 0 replies · +5 points

I like DDP, but there's two other guys I've seen be negative about DDP. They are Ric Flair and Scott Steiner, funnily enough, and them pair have no love lost for each other.

9 years ago @ - Ex-WCW Announcer Rips ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Apparently Nash reckoned The Enforcer was average in general, including where carpentry is concerned...

9 years ago @ - Ex-WCW Announcer Rips ... · 0 replies · +11 points

Not a fan of Madden at all. Never liked his WCW commentary back in the day.