Charlie Brown

Charlie Brown


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10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - A Beautiful Thing | Tr... · 1 reply · +8 points

The majority of the major elections in the USA are still first past the post system.....

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - A Beautiful Thing | Tr... · 0 replies · +14 points

if someone gives you an apple with one hand and take it away with the many apples are you left with? PP sure got some of you fooled....right to recall yes.....but only in the third year and you require more people to remove an mp than those who voted for him? Two terms for PM but long serving PMs is not an issue in T&T as we have always voted them out. ???? How many apples are you truly left with????

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Martial law | Trinidad... · 0 replies · +1 points

You East Indians would love to have a "cleansing" wouldn't you....I would be careful if I were you though.,..such request may not work in your favour......word to the wise......

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Buy him a thesaurus | ... · 0 replies · +7 points

And what does modification mean? Yuh damn fool..... By the way....if you correcting something it means you have to "change" it to what it suppose to be.....yuh damn fool.....

Tell us why is the Central Bank Governor "correcting" the foreign exchange policy?? Yuh damn fool....

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... -, Mr Ministe... · 3 replies · 0 points

No....I am saying Indians are 35% while Non-Indians are 65%....therefore Indians are not the majority, non-Indians are....... Its simple logic but you're too racist to see the obvious.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... -, Mr Ministe... · 1 reply · -1 points

Both you and Jmdnld are not making any sense. Jmdnld made the erroneous point that few Indians got scholarships while non-indians got most even though Indians are the majority. I am merely proving that Non-Indians in T&T are in fact a majority of East Indians who are only 35% therefore by JMDNLD's own logic it is only natural to have more Non-Indians get more scholarships than Indians. Why out of the entire non-Indian grouping you choose to mention the African race and not mention the Syrians, whites or douglas???

Let me answer the question for you...because Indian Hindus like you and JMDNLD are racist and have a tabanca over people of African descent in this country. And the more you guys speak on this forum the more the international community sees how racist Indian people in Trinidad and Tobago are towards people of African descent....especially you Hindu Indians....which is not surprising after all your religion is a religion founded on racism and directly imported from a country steeped in bigotry and sectarianism...Indian....

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... -, Mr Ministe... · 12 replies · +5 points

These are the most recent stats of the ethnic composition of T&T ....East Indian 35.4%, African 34.2%, mixed - other 15.3%, mixed African/East Indian 7.7%, other 1.3%, unspecified 6.2%

It doesn't take a scholar to realize Non-Indians in T&T are the majority while East Indians are a minority. But I expect nothing less from you Hindu racist sycophants to keep regurgitating the lies of your racist Hindu leaders....

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... -, Mr Ministe... · 3 replies · +2 points

By the much equality under this government and so many schools remain closed at the start of a new school term......I guess that is equality the Hindu UNC way..... smh.....

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... -, Mr Ministe... · 20 replies · +3 points

How is there more equality in educational opportunities under this government? Before the election of this corrupt ineffective government, who was prevented from attending primary school and secondary school? Who was prevented from attended UWI, or COSTATT or John D or who was prevented from accessing Gate? Who JMDnld who was prevented?

The 99% East Indian composition of this government.....where did they go to school in Guyana???? You keep bleating......after're nothing but a member of a recalcitrant minority...

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - WHY? | Trinidad Expres... · 0 replies · +2 points

Exactly....killing the prosecutor does not change the material facts of the case.....