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14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Michigan couple\'s kid... · 0 replies · +3 points

2 out of 3 born by induced labor between 2-3 weeks early. Hardly a coincidence. I hope none of them have complications because the parents thought it cute to have sequential birth dates. Mom says doctor advised early deliveries; that's not the doctor speaking. I doubt the doctor picked the dates and not even sure he advised inducing labor almost a month early. The story doesn't surprise me about what people will do to get in the news.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Michigan mother impris... · 1 reply · +8 points

Here you go quoting scripture out of context again. You're a self proclaimed Atheist leave the scriptures to Christians. Some facts about your last statement.

The scripture comes from Deuteronomy 21:18-21 that you mention. The context starts a chapter before in Deuteronomy 20 where God instructs the Jews not to marry pagans. Fear was set that you could have children that are rebellious and criminal. The Jews were to be the chosen people of God and not have mixed bloodlines with pagans. No children were every stoned and the scripture mentions children that are drunks. Obviously we're not talking about young children but rather older children that are old enough to drink and being criminal. Children doesn't mean young. I have children that are 30 something.

Secondly, it implies he has been disobedient many times, and reading the end it is clear the son is of mature age probably much older than 14 if he's getting drunk.

So the son is not merely disobedient but practically criminal in his actions.

Remember that Israel was to be a holy and chosen people to God and that in order to accomplish this they were supposed to follow the law 100%; however, they never upheld the law but rather corrupted it by only upholding the laws that the leaders wished enforced like stoning people who were considered worthless like prostitutes. Ultimately this lead to Jesus pointing out their hypocrisy.

Nice try but again you're taking scripture out of context. Many children have been put to death in this Country through the legal system. Everyone is a child of someone. You're not half as bright about the Bible as you think you are. Try reading the Bible without your Atheist glasses on and you'll see a God of love and not hate.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Michigan mother impris... · 1 reply · +4 points

So how would you be "saving one life" if that life was on death row without ignoring Justice, Law and Penalty? Saving one life from what? The death penalty or life in prison is how I read it. Please explain how you meant it.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Michigan mother impris... · 2 replies · +4 points

Seriously why do you mention Restorative Justice in this article? How would the dead baby (victim) and mother (criminal) get together and work out an agreement that satisfies the needs of the victim and criminal? Your argument has no merit on this topic. No Country in this World uses Restorative Justice in Capital Murder Case. It is used primarily for property damage cases and light criminal cases like burglary or robbery where serious injury hasn't occured. Our Country already uses this in property cases requiring restitution and community service. The victims are allowed to participate through a victims advocate most of the time.

Take your pie in the sky nonsense where it's relevant. It's not relevant on a murder case because the victim is DEAD. No restitution is going to bring the baby back to life.

Facts are this about your ideology.

It has not be proven as a deterrent nor resolving treatment for criminals. No statistics show people that participate in Restorative Justice are less likely to re offend. Many that have re-offended have committed worst crimes. When restorative justice participants re-offend they expect another "deal" to work out restitution with the victim rather than face a Judge and jury which would most likely impose harsher penalties.

You can make assumptions about what I know about Restorative Justice but I can't make assumptions about your experience with murderers because you argue we should sit down at a table with them and work out some sort of applicable deal between the victim and murderer that would satisfy both of their needs? I think I can make a much better assumption than you can and I know nothing about you other than your preposterous suggestion of Restorative Justice for a child killer. I imagine the relatives of this dead child wanted nothing from the killer except her death. I doubt they would have been willing to work out some sort of money and service retribution with the killer.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Michigan mother impris... · 3 replies · +6 points

>>I do suggest that if by saving one life we could save one other life then we have moved forward as a species. Rarely could we say that taking a life is the only solution to saving another life.<<

What you're really saying is if we could ignore JUSTICE, LAW and PENALTY for a felonious criminal we MIGHT save someone else and somehow that is moving FORWARD as a species? I don't think anyone would agree with that logic except maybe some PETA members that somehow think animals are humans.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Michigan mother impris... · 4 replies · +10 points

Justice and "blood lust" are two separate things. Restorative justice has been proven to fail many more times than it succeeds. Empathy doesn't exclude penalty. It is obvious you've never been close to a victim of a senseless horrific crime. Consider yourself lucky.

We shouldn't celebrate the death of another human. We should be saddened that they killed someone (innocent child in this case) and deserve Capital punishment for their crime. At their demise we should be saddened that somehow they chose rebellion over participation in our great Society. Maybe we failed them or maybe they chose their path ignoring all they were taught. Regardless of the past they must be held accountable for their crime and pay the penalty quickly.

If I was in charge all those on death row with absolute guilt would be gone in a week. I would make express lanes to get them out of the system and where they belong. I feel empathy for each of them that they chose to commit horrific crimes rather than participate in civilization. That was their choice knowing the consequences or ignoring them. Let Justice be quick and final.

Let civilized people train those at risk of committing serious crimes; not criminals looking for a free pass or express lane out of jail.

I have no blood lust but rather empathy for the victims and families of the victims that have all but lost faith in our judicial system and Justice in this Country. I care for those that live everyday with the memories and wonders of what might have been. I feel bad for a criminal that he made bad choices and deserves to die. I can't change his bad choices and history has shown that given the chance again he'd most likely make that same choice. Everyday they breathe is an insult to the victims and their families begging and waiting for Justice.

In a civilized world, murderers don't die of old age because the Citizens go to work 40+ hours a week and donate a portion of each paycheck to keep them alive.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - New Purdue smoking pol... · 0 replies · +1 points

If other people can smell your smoke it then it should be banned. Outdoors, indoors or any place else. Smokers shouldn't be allowed to smoke in their homes or cars if children are present. What right do smokers have to poison their children?

I'll go one step further;it should be child abuse to force kids to inhale cigarette smoke. Our Government is so concerned with their safety except when it comes to protecting them from smokers. It is a proven fact children living in homes of smokers have much higher occurrence of respiratory problems than children living in homes of non-smokers. Smokers not only poison themselves but their children which is sickening to me. Kill yourself if you wish but don't harm the children.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - New Purdue smoking pol... · 0 replies · +2 points

And the wind never blows. Very Poor excuse. During late evenings or when a cold air mass moves in there is inversion where smoke is forced back to the ground. Ever see fog before? Ever have the neighbors burning leaves when a cold front moves in? You'll gag from the smoke wishing it would rise.

Beside that, the wind almost is always blowing and the smoke from a smoker is blown at everyone downstream before it ever rises. Smoke is lighter than air but barely. It rises VERY SLOWLY and wind will move it sideways before it can rise upwards. I sit in an office with windows and I can smell a person smoking outside 30 feet away if the window is open. I guess their smoke doesn't rise fast enough? Smoking outdoors around other people exposes them to second hand smoke. The smoke doesn't rise as fast as you think it does. Sit in a room of smokers and you'll see the cloud hover over them even with the windows open.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Indiana BMV commission... · 0 replies · +19 points

That is the most warped sense of logic I think I've read on WSBT. Society doesn't make it easy for men to have public sex so they have to target strangers in public restrooms? There aren't enough gay meeting places for gay men so they need to assault men using a restroom for what it was intended for?

Just when I think I've read everything, someone comes out with logic like this. What would you propose Society do to remove gay cruising? They have adult bookstores they can hang out in. They have gay bath houses they can hang out in. They could start their own gay coffee house if they wanted and who would care? Instead they harass and cause property damage to public parks and rest areas and make it really uncomfortable for straight men to use these facilities. They hang around like vultures looking for the next piece of meat to drop by. Bunch of sickos is all they are and they're not interested in sex with each other but rather to stalk straight men for some sick perverted reason. Some rest areas you stop by late at night and there is 5-10 of these gay men hanging out looking for the next straight guy to show up.

14 years ago @ WSBT South Bend - Y... - Illinois goes after In... · 1 reply · +3 points

They used to have gates in Illinois and it backed traffic up for miles because idiots can't have change ready. The iPass is the best thing they ever did on those Tollways. People that don't pay will get the rude surprise when they see how quickly Illinois can find them and send an enormous bill. I got busted about 4 years ago and had to pay $300 for 6 50 cent violations. They had beautiful pictures attached showing the back of my vehicle with a timestamp for each violation whether it was day or night. I was impressed with their technology and ability to capture such clear images while I blasted through those areas at probably 70 mph.