I think that you are underestimating the current outrage from just everyday citizens. We don't vote these lifetime politicians out because too many people don't vote in the primary elections. I'm guilty of that. I always make a point to vote in November, but I've only voted in one primary election. That has to change. As a mom, this is absolutely unacceptable to me, and I will protect my daughter's future. I will fight the federal government with everything I've got because they have backed me into a corner that I have to fight my way out of. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and there is no greater power than a mother's love. Accountability in 2010 and in 2012. Silent no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ronald Reagan was right. When you raise the taxes, people vote by leaving. Progressive liberals always have these lofty notions which totally ignore people's natural responses. They say that it is patriotic to pay taxes, but we keep hearing about how all of these high level officials aren't paying their taxes. Do they think that they are the only ones smart enough to decide they don't like paying taxes? Or, do they think that everyone else buys the lie that it is patriotic to pay their taxes? It's time for a flat tax where we're taxed on what we spend instead of earn, and then everyone pays taxes not just the middle class. Accountability in 2010 and in 2012.
Hear, hear! Once you start playing with other people's money, corruption naturally follows if you have no morals and no principles.
Right on! The liberal progressive agenda has failed our children. It doesn't take a village to raise a child. It takes parents. Demand parental control and choice in our school system. Investigate the voucher system which reintroduces competition in our schools. Let's graduate children who CAN READ!! Sometimes children have to fail in order to learn how to succeed. Let's ditch no child left behind which has guaranteed that all children get passed so that the schools can keep the money.
So, at this point, if I just assume the opposite of whatever the President says, that is correct. Transparent change = obfuscation and corruption. Change we can believe in = bend over and kiss your butt goodbye. Hope = hope people don't notice my power grab. I'm going to fundamentally change America = watch out, guys, socialism is coming because we know better than you do.
Is it 2013 already? Accountability in 2010 and in 2012. America is coming, Washington, and we're starting with the incumbents in the primary elections. Silent no more!!
Excellent video. Hollywood needs to stop insulting America, and go back to making movies. They're not getting any of my families money and haven't been since before the election. They might not miss my money, and I don't miss their tripe.
Now this is some transparent change that we can all believe in. I guess the White House really does think that we are all stupid. Once we shut the real ACORN down, we need to look at all of these corrupt dealings. It's time to demand a federal budget freeze that puts all spending at last year's level. We're coming, Washington, with change that Americans can believe in 2010 and in 2012. It's called accountability; get used to it.