Well it's possible she was hoping to give Twilight the key producing revelation she needed. Discord only learned the true value of friendship when he lost it and Twilight had to give up her element in the form of the alicorn powers to access the greater magic of friendship.
Yeah Just smaller plus no key or anything.
Not bad if I had to rate this episode I would give it a 7 out of 10. I liked Tirek and the lore, Discord was also used nicely. The songs however are forgettable and some plot elements were weak, uninspired, and poorly explained.I would have liked to see more of the mane 5 but having Twilight's role addressed was nice and the multiple thrones was a move I approve of, recognizing the contributions her friends have made even if Spike got a smaller chair. And they came out and said Earth Ponies have strength as their thing even if it was a fleeting mention.
Twilight never fails though they even sang a song about it. Twilight has become the Wesley Crusher of MLP I think. I liked the episode alright, it had a few cringe worthy moments but I really felt for Spike. Plenty of Derpy too.
Pinkie and Twilight. Twilight makes a good straight man for Pinkie. When Pinkie ends up being correct or sensible in the end it makes Twilights frustration all the better. Fluttershy and Pinkie second for similar reasons.
Pretty good episode. Pinkie's rap was the best part. Kind of wish I had waited for the episode to watch it.
Alright episode. Dream sequence was the best part.
It was still better than MMC =)
I liked Fluttershy giving the cheer lesson like the reverse of the one Dash gave her. The episode was pretty boring though. Sea Breeze being male was an interesting choice. I wish the writers could have wrapped up the episode without the deus ex machina of Twilight's magic, it's over used.
On next weeks episode no one knows who Twilight is. Nice seeing Colgate and Berry together.