Okay, I'm finally figuring out how to use this web site... and BOY, do I need to VENT!!!! Marriage is under attack again today, this time in IOWA. The state supreme court ruled today against legislation passed in 1998 that prevented same-sex marriage. A marriage license is nothing more than your first tax as man and wife! The institution of marriage stems from the church, NOT from the government. Two years ago the Iowa state legislature refused to allow a ballot initiative to be placed in front of the people, and now the judges have ruled. I'm FURIOUS that we have life-long appointments to the judicial branch. ALL government offices, ALL THREE BRANCHES, at both state and Fed level need to have term limits. it's the only way to ensure a true balance of power!
Marriage is under attack again... this time it's in IOWA!!! The State Supreme Court ruled today to over turn Iowa's ban on gay marriage. I don't know if I've posted this in the right way, but this is meant to be a vent. I'm so MAD!!! Can there be NOTHING in our country that is NOT touched by the liberal agenda?! What's next?! Churches being required to perform the ceremonies?! Part of the 9-12 platform should be to get rid of life-long judicial appointments. They have usurped their powers and are over-stepping the balance our forefathers intended!!!
Good ones! Along with flat tax I would add this...
50% of each person's tax revenues goes directly to military and defense because the job of government is to protect us. The other 50% of revenues, each tax payer gets to select to what program their money goes. Want it to go to defense spending? great, mark the box. Want part of it to go to welfare, okay then mark that box. THAT would eliminate pork and wasteful spending!
I'm attending the Des Moines, Iowa tea party and am playing around with what I want my sign to say. Some play on words with pork. PORK: IT'S FOR DINNER NOT FOR SPENDING. ...any input/ideas out there? :o)