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3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Shifting health policy... · 0 replies · +1 points

There are big question marks over whether can manage The NHS, but this is a one in a generation chance for us to be listened to and respected.

Personally I trust Matt Hancock. I've been saying for sometime that his stock price is way too low. He never ducked. Never hid. Never threw his civil servants under a bus. He was a laughing stock at one point but he knuckled down.

He wanted to lock down against the principals of his party.

And this is the point about NHS Reform and The Conservative Party.

The two don't go together.

A health pandemic and The Tory Party don't go together either.

Instinctively Tories don't 'get' health. They 'get' economics. They 'get' the economy. Tories don't even understand why people wanted to lock down. Why public opinion backed a severe lock down.

Our party needs to understand more about the Value of The NHS and less about the Costs.

If you look at any post from any conservative anywhere in The UK you will find that they will be fixated on cost.

Yes it costs to keep Grandma alive. Lets remember that grandma is not a cost she is a person who has lived her life and needs our support.

Then the public will might trust us with health care reform.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Starmer's "paint-by-nu... · 0 replies · +1 points

The most remarkable thing is how many Labour people we have on Conservative Home.

3 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - George Freeman: The in... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don’t know why the author has to be so egotistical about taking the credit.

Other than that it is a great article which begins to shine a light on where we’re heading.

The public will need a road map and after the success of The Vaccination process they might have a bit more faith in our ability to be ‘world class’

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Profile. Kwarteng Unch... · 0 replies · +1 points

Kwasi is one to watch. He is an excellent choice as Business Minister

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andrew Gimson's PMQs s... · 2 replies · +1 points

Mr Grimson. It isn't just the Parliamentary debates which are deteriorating.

Interesting developments away from Conservative Home.

The Guardian raised eyebrows when it stopped opening up its columns fully for comment. They still do open up a few articles for comment, but they sure do shut them down quick.

That's the one major tick in the box for The Times. At least we can now see how many lefties they've attracted to The Times.

The Guardian meanwhile, is engaged in a civil war between Corbynites or Blairites.

The Guardian was the most pro-remain newspaper in Britain. And yet Starmer ditches Europe and we haven't had one comment piece from them.

For how long can they keep angry Remainers from exploding in anger at Starmer??

The editorial team at The Times meanwhile must be scratching their heads. They've clearly diverged from The Conservative Party over the years. Since they endorsed Blair back in 1997 their relationship with the party has been distant.

Now they have the same dilemma that The Guardian has. Who do you support? In the case of The Times readership it is a choice between Brexiteers or Remainers?

These two camps won't be united.

My guess is that The Times will go the way of Lib Dems and end up pleasing no one.

My point is that both politics and the commenting on it has declined in quality.

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - WATCH: At Prime Minist... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mulleteer, I love it when lefties use analogies with Genghis Khan.

These are the people who hate to be called lefties, unless it is champagne socialists, because that’s more glamorous.

They paint themselves as ‘centrist’ forgetting that it is the electorate at the previous election which sets the centre ground.

When the centre ground shifts the left starts creating new bogeymen like ‘populists’ rather accept that their views have become dated.

If the BBC has become the ‘mouthpiece’ of the government then Mulleteer you really are out there.

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - WATCH: At Prime Minist... · 5 replies · +1 points

Looking at The BBC coverage of PMQs today it looks as if they’ve lost what little political objectivity they had. Laura Kuensberg used to be a relatively acceptable leftie.

Now they are really trying to treat Boris like Trump. Like he’s one small smoking gun away from being impeached.

Starmer is getting as irritating as Blackford. He is getting more and more desperate to pin Coronavirus on Boris before the vaccination process really kicks in.

These politicians think the public are blind and stupid. It really is a left wing Achilles heel. They convince themselves that they are so clever that they will sweep all before them.

Boris has made some mistakes. 50% of people think that these mistakes were to lock down too soon and the other 50% that he locked down at all.

Go figure.

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andy Street: The big o... · 1 reply · +1 points

Laz. These are extremely practical solutions. Of course you can’t see this because you’re still howling at the moon about Brexit and the fact that we have stolen a massive lead on the EU i the vaccination process.

Watching the Germans ordering vaccines ahead of the other 27 confirms all our suspicions.

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andy Street: The big o... · 4 replies · +1 points

Gary, if you and your Remainers are so hot and on the money, why is it that you’ve been abandoned by Kier Starmer.

He’s a sensible chap. Why hasn’t he taken your advice and set Labour on course to rejoin The EU.

You talk about Brexiteers not believing my lies?! Lol. I have two mainstream parties vying for my vote.

What have you got?

Is it because The British public don’t buy into the rubbish that Remainers preach.

4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Andy Street: The big o... · 4 replies · +1 points

Very insightful article Andy. Another pin prick in the egos of Remainers disconsolate that bad news about Brexit amounts to a ham sandwich.

We should certainly, as a Conservative government, give Andy the tools he needs to rebuild some of our manufacturing capability.