74p437 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - NBC's ObamaVision: Wil... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - NBC's ObamaVision: Wil... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Daily Gut: Publicly Sh... · 0 replies · +1 points
They have found a purpose in an otherwise drab existence by denigrating anyone that doesn't threaten to blow them up. Much like their brave counterparts in the Movie business.
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Obama Nation: A Big Me... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Death of the Movie Sta... · 0 replies · +1 points
a major concern of yours. I still think that while it is not a very good window on our world
it really doesn't change a thing in their minds if it's there or not.
I am not an apologist for the industry and have concerns as you have but as far as it impacts Islam, I don't really care. The rest of the world deserves better tho.
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Another 9/11 Travesty · 0 replies · +2 points
Then what ever he does does not really surprise you. I think if we emerge from this term of his office
anywhere near what we were going in it will be because of the grace of GOD. The possiblility of civillian courts were advanced before his election yet here he is doing what was said. If he suggested that Sharia law
be the rule in Dearborn Michigan I wouldn't be shocked. There is a tipping point and where that may be and to what extent may also be the surprise.
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Death of the Movie Sta... · 2 replies · +1 points
I would certainly agree with you that Hollywood andTelevision have been an influence on the world
from good to bad depending on the era. But I disagree that the degrading images received
from our country is the only reason they have a hatred for America.We couldnot havean entertainment
industry or have one totally G rated in the purest sense and the hatred of our country would not be diminished.
They hate us for a lot of reasons, we back Israel, or we did as of this morning, we are a Christian Nation,
in spite of what Obama says and one of the biggest reasons, we are not an Islam Nation. Our admittedly debased movie and television industries are just an excuse to gin up the hatred even more. While I agree it would be nice to not have the entertainment industry such a provocative instrument in the war for the hearts and minds,
I don't believe it would make an iota of difference to the Islamists of the world one way or another.
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Death of the Movie Sta... · 0 replies · +1 points
I don't work there but I would imagine not all of them work for the more strident lefties we
all hear from. I would also guess that a lot of them have been there as the politics of the industry changed around them. While I admire the values you indicate you exhibit not all folks are capable of changing jobs as you did due to age etc. Do we really want to give the industry totally over to the loons tho that may be tempting. Fighting the fight from within has its merits. I don't wish death on anyone tho plagued with boils is attractive.
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Death of the Movie Sta... · 0 replies · +1 points
I would suggest you take out all frustrations on UCLA.
Good luck
14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Obama Nation: A Big Me... · 2 replies · +6 points