


202 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Big Government - Progressive Democrats ... · 0 replies · -16 points

what does the UN sec gen say about the israeli navy??????

13 years ago @ Big Government - Progressive Democrats ... · 1 reply · -12 points

i) if the members of the UN give it the authority thru signed agreements to tax; then it does have the authority.
ii) if the UN gave the Palestinians the land to begin; then why is anyone complaining that the UN is giving it back?

Thank you. Despite your crass insults, you effectively built my case for me.

That was almost too easy. :)

13 years ago @ Big Government - Progressive Democrats ... · 3 replies · -15 points

question: do you approve of the UN's move to link a transfer of wealth from the west to the developing world through the use of UN passed mandates related to global warming? According to you, if the UN approves this, it would be legal. So you would support it, right?

13 years ago @ Big Government - Progressive Democrats ... · 2 replies · -20 points

since when do REAL Americans care what the UN sec general thinks??? what are you, a globalist loser????

13 years ago @ Big Government - Progressive Democrats ... · 6 replies · -23 points

What is the root cause of the crimes????? the illegal stealing of the land from the palestinians. please. if someone came and kicked you out of your house, moved you to a refugee'd sit there and say, oh ok, this is fine?


13 years ago @ Big Government - Progressive Democrats ... · 1 reply · -18 points

Making justice even more important.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Progressive Democrats ... · 16 replies · -42 points

I appreciate the PDAs willingness to criticize the immoral acts of Isreal and the supporters of the acts.

Morals are the basis of society, they are the basis of law. Without an understanding and appreciation of morality, social justice is not possible; and tyranny reigns.

13 years ago @ Big Government - 'We'?

You aren't rich like the Kochs.
You aren't smart like Beck.
And you aren't a brilliant self promoter like Palin.

Exactly where do YOU fit in to the 'we'?
