


11 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ The Barkman - Surprised with the DSi · 0 replies · +1 points

Hmm, 3 MP that's actually not bad.

15 years ago @ The Barkman - Surprised with the DSi · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh ya, I agree with you totally. I was just trying to say that something that might normally be considered a huge update isn't really that exciting. First time DS buyers will no doubt go for the DSi. The DSi still has the core gaming goodness that the DS has, just with a lot of half-hearted bells and whistles that might be chiming to an empty room, as all-in-one or at least multifunction devices are already so common. Although I'm sure that the younger fans that might still be all-in-one virgins will go crazy over it.

15 years ago @ The Barkman - Surprised with the DSi · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm assuming he meant some of them will make use of the added camera.

15 years ago @ The Barkman - Surprised with the DSi · 1 reply · +1 points

When I first heard about all they were adding, I wanted to be impressed, but when I stood back and thought about it, (note: the following is based on assumption, but I think they're pretty fair assumptions) my ipod touch can play music better than the DSi, play videos better than the DSi, and can access the internet and do a couple other random but cool things. On top of that, I have a PSP that can play games as well, has a better screen to watch movies on, can also play music (although the DSi will probably have a better interface for this), and can access the internet (ish). On top of that, this camera doesn't even compare to my digital camera (overlooking the gameplay elements the DSi camera will add to the DSi).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you want to make an all-in-one device, you might as well go big, because the average person probably already has at least one already. As it stands, from whats been released, all these added trappings don't really get me excited at all.

15 years ago @ The Barkman - So you wanna be HD\'d? · 0 replies · +1 points

Ya, my Dad's front end projector has a DVI port, but I'm sure, as you said, it's there specifically for the use of computers. I purchased an HDMI to DVI cord so I could use it with my PS3, but that obviously was't it's main reason for existence.

15 years ago @ The Barkman - So you wanna be HD\'d? · 2 replies · +1 points

Good article. One HD video connection you left out though is DVI, although I realize it's not as popular as the others (I don't think). I haven't read much about HD tech since I did the original research for my setup.

15 years ago @ The Barkman - Rant: Marketing HD (Hi... · 2 replies · +1 points

I remember when HDTV's were still new to the market some stores were also selling 'Enhanced Definition' tv's that were around the 520i/p range I believe.

16 years ago @ The Barkman - Priority Gaming. · 1 reply · +1 points

Ok, I agree with you to an extent, re: your point on the addictive nature of games. I guess it really depends on the person. I mean, back when I was still playing WoW I was also working full time and taking evening courses as well. Sure it was a little tough sometimes but I still knew when it was time to log off and go study (I got in the 80s :D). Then again, like everyone, I have heard of people becoming truly addicted to the game. I bring up WoW only as an extreme example of a game where I understand people could have a really hard time to put down, and also to help explain my 'it depends on the person' point. A console game such as MGS4 that is story driven as opposed to a game that is driven on time spent leveling up to infinity would obviously be much easier to put down, but again, that depends on how easily addicted the player can be. My roommate took about a month to finish MGS4, he was a lot busier than me at that point, and according to him he loved it. It didn't seem like it bothered him that he didn't have that much time to sink into it in one sitting, but then again I didn't ask him about that specifically. In general, I do agree that games could be harder to put down than books, but not to the extent that it's impossible if you have a busy schedule. If you really like the games, you'll be able to do it without too much hassle.

16 years ago @ The Barkman - Priority Gaming. · 2 replies · +1 points

Well this is interesting, here's a forum where people complain about not having enough time in their daily schedule to get into a form of media that has long, epic stories when people have been able to do this since the invention of paper (I'm hinting at books here). OH SNAP!

To be serious, I can't say I've ever read an epic length book without taking at least 8 sittings, especially since I am somewhat of a slow reader. As long as I'm only reading one book at a time, getting back into the story is not that hard at all. All it takes is about 10 or 20 seconds to recall and organize my memories of what I read in my previous sittings and then I'm back into it. I know my mom generally has a busy schedule and I still see her reading books, and I'm sure most of the people here knows someone who manages doing that as well, it's not unheard of.

To summarize, pick up and play games are like magazine articles. They're easy to pick up and get through in short amounts of time, but are usually about useless things like fashion and celebrity gossip (ok, the last part wasn't serious, I like pick up and play games as much as the next guy and I've purchased several on my PS3), and the 'normal' games are like books. You need several sittings to finish them (assuming you have a 'life') but the reward of a deep and satisfying experience makes it worth it. To say that people after their hypothetical second puberty don't like the deep, epic games because of their length is like making up an issue that doesn't exist for your own sinister schemes.

16 years ago @ The Barkman - 5 Reasons Why Wii Fit ... · 2 replies · +2 points

A TV ad with Chuck Norris doing aerobics on the Wii Fit would be a winner on all possible levels.