Just because he was elected by those who have faith in the idea of world gov. and a wellfare state mentality does not compel me to respect or support the man as my representive to the world. As far as i'm concerned he is a traitor to all that America has stood for for over 200 years. I'll not give up my freedoms to any man or gov. with out a fight . At 70 years of age I still remember what true freedom is and will not relenquiish it to some one who was indoctrinated by social engineers [collage profs] of the 80s. I'm not sure how we can regain control of our gov. in time to save the country, but I have children and grandchildren who deserve a chance to enjoy the freedom I grew up With.
I'll repeat we need to start tossing out solutions and quit wasting time bitching about what has already happened.
This is no longer the USA that my Dad fought for in WWII MY pride in my country is ebbing quickly and it sickens me to watch what is happening to it.. The only real solution is to replace all of congress with few if any exceptions and start over but Americans are to complacent to take real action.
I would urge every one to redo your w4 at your work place to have your with-holding from myour pay to be the min. possible, keep in constant contact with your rep.& sen. both state and fed. to let them know how you feel. Make your position known. Politely keep up the pressure urge and help all of friends and family to do the same.
Remember to think of the solutions and quit dwelling on the problem