


39 comments posted · 89 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 0 replies · +5 points

I... am surprised I didn't include that one, too, tbh; I have no idea how I missed it going through the blog for these posts. ^^; Thankfully someone else posted it below, though!

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 0 replies · +7 points

That's quite possibly my favorite one too! :D Akio in a single image, I swear. it took me like ten minutes to reblog it when I first saw it because I couldn't stop cackling

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 4 replies · +18 points

And, finally... I'll leave you with one of my all-time favorites as a suitable note to end on. Sharing these has been an impossible amount of fun--I hope people have enjoyed some of them as much as I do. ♥

Image: Opening cap of Utena and Anthy nude, their heads beside each other. Text: I will place within some of you questions.
Image: Opening cap of another angle of Utena and Anthy facing, this time in their Duelist and Rose Bride outfits. Text: Within others, I will place answers.
Image: Opening cap of Utena and Anthy losing hold of each other’s hands. Text: These questions and these answers will not always align.
Image: Opening cap of Utena looking over her shoulder in front of a backdrop of Ohtori boys. Text: The questions I provide may have no answers,
Image: Opening cap of Anthy looking over her shoulder in front of a backdrop of Ohtori girls. Text: and the answers I provide may have no questions.
Image: Opening cap of Utena and Anthy lying on the ground watching each other. Text: I will study the effects of these questions and these answers.
Image: Opening cap of Prince Dios with his eyes closed. Text: Some of you will hurt others
Image: Opening cap of Utena with her eyes closed in the same position as Dios. Text: and others will heal.
Image: Opening cap of Utena on top of a spinning rose. Text: Grow my seeds inside you, and let them flower.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 2 replies · +14 points

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 3 replies · +15 points

Image: Juri in the fencing club. Text: It seems perhaps that we have come through this day
Image: Shiori in the fencing club, at the sidelines. Text: and reached some other side.
Image: Miki teaching Tsuwabuki how to use the stopwatch while Kozue looks on from the piano. Text: Not unaffected, no,
Image: Nanami pouring tea while Touga and Saionji spar. Text: not unchanged, but here.


Image: Anthy standing in front of Akio at his desk. Text: There’s a monster at the end of this book.
Image: Anthy turning away as Akio looks up at her. Text: It’s the blank page where the story ends and you’re left alone with yourself and your thoughts


Image: Anthy taking her final look at Ohtori Academy. Text: May we all be human: beautiful, stupid, temporal, endless.


Image: Anthy walking away as the series credits roll. Text: Stay tuned now for whatever happens next in your life.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 4 replies · +17 points

Image: Utena in her rose bride outfit, on the ground after being stabbed. Text: I don’t have to keep trying, there is no obligation for me to not just give up, just slump down until I fall away and join the inanimate matter of this strange other world. I don’t have to keep trying.
Image: Utena back in her duelist outfit, using her fists to force herself back up. Text: Remember that, I say to myself, as I keep trying.


Image: Utena struggling with the Rose Gate. Text: She is winning them over because she has survived so much.
Image: Utena pulling opening the coffin. Text: She is young, but in her experience she is as lost and scared and ancient
Image: A close up of Anthy’s eye opening, the rest of her hidden in darkness. Text: as the rest of them.


Image: Anthy curled up naked in darkness beyond the coffin with light covering half her body as she opens her eyes. Text: The sun has risen. You are awake.
Image: Anthy being fully covered by the light and looking up at it. Text: This symmetry is not without meaning.


Image: Akio and Anthy, in their Duelist/Rose Bride outfits, on the couch. Anthy is lying with her head in Akio’s lap, looking distressed and in pain. Text: We all chose to stand down, and hope change would be won for us, and not by us!
Image: Utena standing in front of Anthy protectively. Text: By someone else, we believed. A hero, we believed.
Image: Utena beginning to force herself to her feet despite her injuries. Text: But belief is only step one. Action is step two. Fighting for what you believe is step two.
Image: Anthy finally taking Utena’s outstretched hand, their fingers just beginning to brush each other. Text: Solidarity is step two. Unity is step two.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 5 replies · +12 points

A brief interlude ...

Image: Touga, Miki, Juri and Saionji standing together under the night sky, looking serious. Text: Our truths may or may not be true, but they are ours, and we stand by them.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches \'Revolut... · 11 replies · +17 points

Well... here we are--the last episode. (Holy christ, we're at the last episode? How did this happen so fast?) As always, I come bearing highlights from Welcome to Ohtori; however, for this episode, I just plain couldn't choose only a couple favorites out of all the great posts out there. So today, to celebrate everyone finishing the series, I'm going to do something a lot more self-indulgent a little different than usual and go through the whole episode via some of the best relevant posts.

Strap yourselves in and prepare for spam!

Image: Anthy pulling a sword out of Utena’s chest for the duels. Text: Dream the impossible.
Image: Anthy and Utena stretching out their hands to hold one another in their sleeping attire. Text: Live the improbable.
Image: Anthy in the penultimate episode, holding Utena from behind with a concerningly intense look on her face. Text: Die from the inevitable.


Image: The child Anthy kneeling next to the sickly Prince Dios, feeling his forehead. Text: Let’s not dwell on our corpse-strewn past.
Image: Akio and Anthy standing over Utena’s fallen body, Anthy holding the sword. Text: Let's celebrate our corpse-strewn future!


Image: Akio standing on the pathway to the coffin, watching swords fly well overhead of him, their shadows cast all around his body. Text: I am completely safe from harm, and this is a great burden.


Image: Anthy in her Rose Bride outfit looking away from the camera. Text: Thank you for your interest in a life free of pain.
Image: Anthy in her Rose Bride outfit looking at the camera. Text: We are not accepting applications at this time.
Image: Anthy being stabbed by the Swords of Hate. Text: Please try again and again and again and

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Revoluti... · 1 reply · +16 points

Excuse you, swords and dresses are a fine combination and totally go together.

I can't remember who said it, but my favorite response I've seen to that bit was along the lines of, "Really, because you don't seem to take issue with it if the sword is through her chest instead of in her hands." Which really just sums it up perfectly.

10 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Revoluti... · 1 reply · +23 points

Well--this is it, folks. Today's Welcome to Ohtori:

Image: Utena sitting in the elevator in her duelist outfit, sword across her knees, with her Rose Bride/Princess dress one a mannequin behind her. Text: Think about heroes, and whether we should even need them.

And a bonus message for any first-time watchers:

Image: Anthy slumped over on the roof. Text: We apologize for anything that happened.
Image: A close up of Anthy’s depressed face, eyes covered by her hair. Text: We apologize for anything that you felt.
Image: Utena’s also depressed face, also with her eyes covered by her hair. Text: We apologize for anything that you will feel soon.