Of course it was a ploy! I called Mr. Greg's office and protested him taking the position because even though it would be a promotion for him, it would not be good for the country. Does anyone think of the good ole USA? Oh yeah, our military. God bless them and thank you to all of them. They (politicians) have become greedy and power hungry. Did you see where the GOP wants to take it the matter to court?.
We, the people must continue to let our voices be heard. They, the libs, don't care about integrity. Nancy Pelosi's state is out of control. Every year it's the same, they run out of energy and steal it from Idaho, Washington and Oregon and by law they must give it. She wants to control California population and hope poor people use these condoms and BC pills i.e./ stim bill. They should hire ACORN to pass these things out in the streets to gang members and illegals. She is a hippocrit with a smile on her face. California needs to get their affairs in order! Stop stealing from the people!
I'm sorry I don't get your latest format. Will we be able to see people's comments? That's the best part of your website. I like to read what others are saying and comment back sometimes.