


8 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - Live-action HONG KONG ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Technically, one of my favorite movies of all time is a cartoon live action remake, but it isn't one of those ones that combines 3D animation with live actors, it's just a live action overhaul.

George of the Jungle is a fantastic live action cartoon.

And I take back the bit about the 3D animation, Shep is almost completely digitized.

15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - Review: TRANSFORMERS: ... · 2 replies · +3 points

I will admit that I don't got to summer blockbusters for the original story or the quality acting. I go to summer blockbusters to be entertained. On that front, I was thoroughly entertained, though admittedly, I'm the exact target audience for this franchise. I'm a gamer, a geek, a gen X-er, and I was 13 when Transformers was on TV.

I agree with several points made here about the lackluster acting and the canned story and action sequences, but the one thing that makes a summer blockbuster a success in my mind is "am I captivated." And I was. I found myself invested, emotionally in the movie. Yes, all the emotional segments were punctuated by cliche film effects, but I've argued the use of cliche techniques before ( http://bit.ly/18IST0 ).

I wrote my own review on my blog that's not nearly as eloquent as Rusty's but it spells out my thought, never-the-less: http://kclose3.com/blog/2009/06/247

15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - Luc Besson to be TAKEN... · 0 replies · +1 points

While not in the same class of film, Taken, like Transporter and Crank, does not need a sequel.

There's something going on in Hollywood that dictates that if a movie does well enough, it MUST have a sequel that typically has twice the budget and half the quality of the original.

15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - First official photo o... · 0 replies · +1 points

okay, this one looks a lot more like Depp:


15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - First official photo o... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm not thoroughly convinced that it's NOT Elija Wood. When comparing this photo with straight on photos of both Elija and Johnny, the nose looks more like Elija's, as does the jaw line.

But if they say it's Depp, I'll believe them.

15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - First official photo o... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, since she's already that white... she's just as hot as ever. I was scared to see the movie, but now I'll go just for AH.

15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - First official photo o... · 3 replies · +2 points

Seriously, they could have gotten Elija Wood for half the price. ;)

15 years ago @ gordon and the whale d... - KACEY3 · 0 replies · +1 points
