I am tired of Social Security recipients being told that their benefits are an entitlement. Why didn't they repay the decades of IOUs that congress has put into the trust fund's coffers. Yes we are entitled to the money we get and more, but by dang WE PAID into it.! That is where the porkulus should have gone,not to GM and CHRYSLER, and the Banks.
I also would like to see a special prosecutor to investigate barney Frank, Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein and Schumer for a start.
So because I live off a measly $1062 a month of Social Security Disability (I cant work), I need to go out and live on the streets? No I don't think so. I paid in, as did many others, and we deserve the coverage promised.
The fact is, Congress has used the Social Security Trust Fund to finance their PORK projects. Time for the American People to collect on the I OUs that are in the coffers of the fund.....with interest! THAT makes sense
I agree with your statement regarding the VA, But I DO NOT agree with "I know there are no shortages of retirees as well as young able bodied people, who rely on the government, I am sorry but…". I have worked since I was 9 years old, and paid into Social Security and Medicare systems since i was 13. So how dare you dismiss the sweat and blood the American worker has shed to build this country. Instead we coul;d seize the retirement funds of those in Congress and pay the Social Security System Trust for the pillaging of those funds over the past 40 + years!
WOO HOO I gave him an "F" and as a rule the same grade goes to those in the Congress who follow the Judas Goats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid too!
Yes Sissy I do. I was not in the military, but my e=father in law was. He was In Army Air Corp, spent 26 months in Stalag 17B in Krems Austria. He was also a Letter Carrier. Thank God for his NALC annuity and insurance. It was tough for him to get his disability, even with a diagnosis of LUPUS. ( By Public Law it was declared as a service connected disability @100%)He only got Full medical and 50% service Connected VA pay.
Don't you worry though Sissy until you have to and that time may never come There is a God and He takes care of His own. Thank you for you and your husband's service to our country.
Ok I am sick and tired of Social Security and Medicare being lummped into the "Entitlement Pool". The Social Security Trust fund is paid into by Workers and employers ( Its called a tax). Why doesnt the Govt "Bail Ouit" the social security trust fund. Let AIG GM, Daimler Chrysler , and the banks fail. Like Glenn, says hit the Reset Button and let the Economy grow stronger. Social Security is a program that WE pay'/paid for. Eliminate the bureacuracy for Disability Claims, and boos the Prescription Drug benefit.
(Yes I am on Disability), and It took two and a half years for for my ALJ Hearintg of appeal. Everyone of the Govts witnesses said at that time I was unable to work.
Does this mean that we need to enact a prostitution tax in the DC area and bite the Congressmen that use their services.
Irregardless , if we choose to drink and smoke, it is our right to do so.these tax increases are no worse than the Poll Taxes used to keep the Poor and Minorities from voting. It is an unfair burden on a small group of people, and will force a Black market on these over taxed items.
Cap and Trade, How many Energy Credits will we have to buy for flatuence (a greenhouse gas). Come back and tell me how you feel when your electric bill rising by 200-500 %
LOL I Wholeheartedly agree!
I agree, stay after them. Reps.and Sens. pressure thru letters, faxes and e-mail and phone calls. Know their voting records. 2010 elections are not that far off. We have to work hard to keep pressure on and then pressure candidates for these seats coming open to do the will of their constituency.