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7 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Michael Moore Stills T... · 0 replies · +2 points

Remove the Peoples' Republic of California from the equation, and Trump beat her in the popular vote EASILY.

Statistics need context to have meaning, Mike.

She had 2.5 million more votes than him in California. would seem that the CORRECT response from you would have been:

Other than CALIFORNIA, Trump is BY FAR the choice of Americans.

Thanks for playing, Mike.

7 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Michael Moore Stills T... · 1 reply · +2 points

Actually, Mike, if you understood math.....she did NOT get the MAJORITY of votes.

But, reality and truth are something you ignore, as we all know. You think saying something makes it true.

Even if it's something like math, which can be checked.

HInt for Mike: Votes were cast for people besides Hill and Trump.

Now try doing the math again.

7 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Al Sharpton: I Was Jus... · 1 reply · +2 points

I think I'm willing to give him time served, if he GTFO.

7 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - California Legalizes W... · 1 reply · +2 points

I'm all for them leaving the Union.

If they aren't American citizens anymore, we can stop the floods of them that have moved to Texas and are actively trying to ruin it.

Many came here because of high taxes and such in Cali. Yet, they come and vote Dem!


7 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - The People Have Spoken... · 1 reply · +2 points

...into a puddle of tears.

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Put On the Full Armor ... · 1 reply · +2 points

You have to be mentally deficient to believe that the reason why your life is not what you want is because someone else got what they wanted. IE< poor people are poor because rich people are rich.

It's the most basic of deficiencies: The inability to understand that the choices YOU make are what impact YOUR life.

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Why Americans Should C... · 1 reply · +3 points

Moral relativism in respect to this movement for One World, seems to really be: What's YOURS is MINE.

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Obama Says He Won’t ... · 1 reply · +2 points

Make sure they know that......

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Put On the Full Armor ... · 3 replies · +2 points

more simple: it's a lie.

8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Why Americans Should C... · 3 replies · +4 points

Yes, and get ready for the MSM to work overtime to convince the non-thinking gimme people that freedom is submitting your vote to Globalization.