Whenever the numbers are bad for dems they always shoot the messenger instead of looking in the mirror. This time its Rasmussen. Gallop, Mason-Dixon, Survery USA, WSJ, Quinnepiac, they are all "biased" when showing dems doing poorly apparently. It must be a vast right wing media conspiracy huh? It couldnt possibly be CIETEC, Filmgate, SOSgate, $500 million in IPERS lost, Touchplay, Gay Marriage, union payoffs or a pie in the sky program called IJOBS now could it? Nah, didnt think so either. I must be delusional too.
Oh they are in the same party alright. The Union party. I only vote for Miller because Linda Langston hates him. Oleson is a shill for the labor unions and cannot be trusted no matter what party he claims to belong to. He must go and will get a primary challenge to take care of that.
Spoken like a County Supervisor who he himself is blogging during the day.
I wonder if he is going to attack Branstad for being too much like Obama, Reid and Pelosi like the Democratic Governors Association did during the primary? The DNC ideological boat is drifting without a paddle.
Why dont we eliminate school district instead? Why do we need more than 10 in Linn County with their own beaucracies? Cant their be shared administrative resources? Its our taxdollars they are being subsidized with. Perhaps the school administrators and teachers uinion are even more territorial than county supervisors are.
AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had Aaa bond ratings too. I geuss their rankings were a tad bit misleading as well. No wonder the guy (Democrat Treasuer Fitzgerald) who lost over half a billion of IPERS money recently, is saying we arent really in debt. Clean house.
Did you miss the part about Corbett giving Prosser the boot? Thanks for paying attention. You seem very informed. *Rolls eyes
"And of course he never will as cops are above the law. " Stupid statement
The trails system is a true gem in Cedar Rapids. I used to frequent them all the time with my kids till they went off to college, now my wife and I still use them most weekends. I highly recommend the Sac and Fox trail in particular. This connection to Marion is a good thing for both communities.