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15 years ago @ GretaWire - open thread -- blog · 0 replies · +2 points

The illegal aliens that he wants to grant amnesty to, including their extended families will become a large addition to the democratic parties voter base.

15 years ago @ GretaWire - open thread -- blog · 0 replies · +4 points

It's not about funding, it's about being able to deploy the military to the border.

15 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD - BLOG · 0 replies · +2 points

It will take a lot more than one or two unbiased/truthful stories to have any effect on anyone's credibility that failed the public during the election. Maybe it has to do more with ratings and sponsors than anything else. People are very skeptical of the MSM anymore.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG · 1 reply · +5 points

Get real. The rich have the same medical insurance as the rest of us. They may choose to spend more to seek more exclusive doctors and medical care, but the pay out from the insurance company is the same. Now if you have no insurance and no way to pay for the care at the emergency room, which causes everyone's insurance premiums and the cost of medical care to go up, you may wait longer to be seen for that sniffle or ingrown toe nail. But a true emergency will have priority.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG · 7 replies · +3 points

You definitely do not want to have any type of material in the bags. It will be construed as a threat and you might find yourself sitting in a room staring into a bright light.
Why not send the box with all of the empty envelopes the bags come in. A representation of America's 401k accounts and our countries treasue chest.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG! · 0 replies · +1 points

I sent Representative Davis a very supportive and complimentary e-mail thanking her for her courage and patriotism in supporting the cause to put to rest once and for all President Obama's eligibilty question.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG! · 0 replies · +3 points

And a little more..
Then, in early June 1993, Soros proclaimed his intent to force a sell-off in German government bonds in favor of the French, in an open letter to London Times Financial Editor Anatole Kaletsky, in which Soros proclaimed, "Down with the D-Mark!" Soros has at various times attacked the currencies of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Mexico, coming into newly opened financial markets which have little experience with foreign investors, let alone ones with large funds like Soros. Soros begins buying stocks or bonds in the local market, leading others to naively suppose that he knows something they do not. As with gold, when the smaller investors begin to follow Soros, driving prices of stocks or whatever higher, Soros begins to sell to the eager new buyers, cashing in his 40% or 100% profits, then exiting the market, and often, the entire country, to seek another target for his speculation. This technique gave rise to the term "hit and run." What Soros always leaves behind, is a collapsed local market and financial ruin of national investors.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG! · 1 reply · +2 points

Following his impressive claims to possession of a "Midas touch," Soros has let his name be publicly used in a blatant attempt to influence world financial markets---an out-of-character act for most financial investors, who prefer to take advantage of situations not yet discovered by rivals, and keep them secret. Soros the financier is as much a political animal, as a financial speculator.

Soros proclaimed in March 1993, with great publicity, that the price of gold was about to rise sharply; he said that he had just gotten "inside information" that China was about to buy huge sums of gold for its booming economy. Soros was able to trigger a rush into buying gold, which caused prices to rise more than 20% over four months, to the highest level since 1991. Typically for Soros, once the fools rushed in to push prices higher, Soros and his friend Sir James Goldsmith secretly began selling their gold at a huge profit.

Just a tid bit

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG! · 1 reply · +5 points

The quality of education began to drop when instead of teaching the basics and the facts, the curriculum was slowly changed to a more liberal point of view. Now because you don't want to offend anyone you can not teach the facts because they might hurt someone's feelings.
I read through my children's text books and can not believe the half truths that they are being taught.
Even more disturbing is that there is no type of patriotism taught to children. When I was in school we learned all of the music celebrating America and it's values, for example.
We were taught that the supreme law of the land was the Constitution and that in the end it would be the words in the Constitution that would always ensure that America would remain free.
We were taught about the sacrifices that so many have made that have allowed us to become the nation that everyone looks up to. We were also taught about the things that America had done wrong and what had been done to right these wrongs and injustices.
And political views and opinions were not part of the curriculum.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG! · 14 replies · +4 points

One conspiracy theory is that Soros and his comrades are manipulating the market so it continues to drop, so Obama's offer of restoring your 401k amounts back to August 2008 levels as long as you transfer all of the funds to Social Security. This will basically bottom the market out and open the door to Soros and company to buy most of America's wealth. And we the people will be left with nothing, except a dictator.