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15 years ago @ Islam in Europe - Antwerp: Report on ext... · 0 replies · +1 points

Just a wee bit tendentious.

The Deobandi Movement started as a modernizing anti-colonial Islamic reform movement that supported the creation of an independent India and rejected the Islamic separatism the resulted in the creation of Pakistan.

The material in the report above is so confused that I have to consider it part of a generalized effort to demonize any intellectual movement among Muslims.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Zellnik: make 2 democr... · 2 replies · +1 points

Judaism was a proselytizing religion at least as far back as Hasmonean times (read the Book of Esther).

Ethnic Ashkenazim have no ancestral connection to Palestine whatsoever. They constitute an ethnicity that developed locally in Eastern Europe and Southern Russia.

In Stolen and Occupied Palestine ethnic Ashkenazim are racist murderous genocidal invaders, interlopers, and thieves.

When any fanatic extremist racist Zionist babbles about the Jewish homeland, he shows his true face as Jewish Nazi scum more vile than German Nazis ever were.

This point cannot be emphasized too often or too strongly in the confrontation with Zionism, which all decent people must scorn, hate, and despise.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Zellnik: make 2 democr... · 0 replies · +2 points

ger toshev

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Zellnik: make 2 democr... · 0 replies · +2 points

I was thinking that Zellnik is just singing the same old Zionist song of Jewish self-delusion: Islamoblog: 10 Most Successful Muslim Rappers.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Obama's high-bidder am... · 0 replies · +1 points

We really need some frank discussions of the Jewish roots of financial collapse: Blaming Jews for Financial Meltdown.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - 'Forward' piece touche... · 0 replies · +1 points

The issue is not Jewish insecurity but Jewish power: Patterns of Jewish Power.

Rosen and Weissman passed secrets because they thought they could get away with it, and guess what! They were right.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Brokaw says Israelis c... · 1 reply · +2 points

By 1945 the crimes that had arisen from Jewish culture and internal politics were at least as horrible as anything done to Jews in WW2: Jewish Peril: 1933 versus 2009.

15 years ago @ Mondoweiss - Israel's goal? A castr... · 0 replies · +1 points

The blog entry explains why it is so important to anti-Zionists and to the salvation of America for Iranians to develop a nuclear bomb as an important milestone in crushing Jewish Zionist power in the USA and throughout the world: Real Issue of Nuclear Iran.