


84 comments posted · 7 followers · following 6

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +8 points

I'm completely dumbfounded. There hasn't been a day that's gone by since the inception of the "Big" sites that one or all of them weren't among my first stops each day.

His passion was undeniable and infectious. He invigorated so many in the quest for conservative voices to be heard.

My heart goes out to his wife, his kids, and all those whose lives were touched by him. You are all in my prayers.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'The Secret World of A... · 0 replies · +2 points

Took my daughter to see it yesterday. I had read "The Borrowers" when I was a kid, and she's a huge Miyazaki fan. It was one of those special moments where our interests merged perfectly and now we have a great shared memory to hold onto. The character voiced by Carol Burnett also gave us several laugh out loud moments.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Top 20 Horror Films Yo... · 5 replies · +5 points

You may not have wanted to double up on King and Romero, but Carrie and Dawn of the Dead fit in my top horror list as well. Add any Val Lewton pic in there (ie: Nick Alexander's suggestion of Cat People) and you won't go wrong either. Also agree with the earlier suggestions of Psycho and The Birds. At 40, I still don't sit in my car with the windows down because of the latter. Completely bugs me out.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Today's Open Thread: #... · 2 replies · +15 points

If I had a buck for every time I was asked if there was really a WKRP here, I could afford to fill my gas tank. (There is a WKRQ, but that's as close as it gets.)

I miss shows like this. Always good for a smile.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Today's Open Thread · 0 replies · +8 points

Time in a bottle still makes me misty. He could do deeply felt, soulful music as well as the upbeat sing-a-long ditties with great ease.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Entertainment Spending... · 2 replies · +23 points

Unless I hear from people I trust that a particular movie is a "must see" in a theater to get the most out of it, I just don't even bother. A decent sized screen and surround sound set up at home covers most of the releases well enough, and at a far more affordable rate (using Netflix or On Demand) for a family of four.

So far very little Hollywood has pumped out of late has been worth 40 smackers, at least in my family's opinion.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Today's Open Thread · 3 replies · +3 points

The pic (or lack thereof) looks exactly like it looks outside my window. Tons of global warming that I have to shovel.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Which Abraham Lincoln ... · 4 replies · +17 points

Given what he did for the country, I found it difficult to believe that Hollywood could find a way to sully his memory without risking some backlash. Then I saw the Glee episode where Gwyneth Paltrow's character insinuated he was gay and was shown again how every time I try to give even the moderate left the benefit of the doubt....they happily smack me upside my naive little head with it.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Dennis Miller: The Bi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dennis has many amazing qualities, but one of his greatest is the ability to find common ground with a guest no matter what his/her political persuasion is. I've heard him interview complete nutters on the left and still manage to make it enjoyable and insightful. Or sometimes (like his epic Bugliosi interview) he just hands them their butt on a platter and it makes me stand up and cheer.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Why Arianna Huffington... · 0 replies · +13 points

"Uncle Juan" will become the new "Uncle Tom."

The left is full of truly racists hypocrites who only accept their stereotypical view of any given race..