


24 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - E3 2010: 3DS Hands (Ey... · 0 replies · +1 points

It sounds so very cool. This will teach me to take too much vacation earlier in the year, I'm totally missing out now.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Zero Punctuation Revie... · 0 replies · +1 points

Interesting, Lucas. I knew that legislators were always irritated with video games, but that arcade tax is insane. I live in what is probably the most conservative state in the Union (Utah), but we don't have any special video game legislation and gamers are pretty much allowed to do what they will. Midnight launches are given the blind eye by authorities who could be out there rounding up minors for curfew violations, but they don't.

I guess some places people just band together for or against a cause and every once in a while something you love will land in their crosshairs. The city I grew up in didn't like arcade machine due to loitering, so they did create special zoning laws regarding them and they were very stubborn to allow machines in a quantity over 4 to be in one spot. They didn't make it a financial burden, however.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Super Mario Galaxy 2 · 0 replies · +1 points

I can't wait. Between this, Red Dead Revolver, the Starcraft 2 beta, Alan Wake, and my general backlog of games, I'm set for summer.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Peggle Is Still Coming... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mr. Driller just came out on DSiWare. It's a good pickup, as it's a great game to always have on hand.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Final Fantasy XIII · 2 replies · +1 points

FFX was the last Final Fantasy game I completed. I wasn't a fan of XI or XII, but I'm still not sure what to make of XIII as I've not been able to play it yet. I'm going to give it a try, but it's behind a few titles in my backlog. My friend, who is an absolute Final Fantasy whore, has really enjoyed the game aside from the early grind and the dragging on at the end.

From what I gather is that it's one of the best FF experiences aside from those two sections, and that they're not so terrible as to make the game "bad". I don't' know, I'll have to see if my patience holds up, because I've heard a lot of great things once you get into the real meat of the game, but it does demand a lot upfront.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Blog: 11 Out of 12 is ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm pretty excited to see how the film turns out. I was a huge fan of Sands of Time and I always felt like it would make a great movie if handled correctly.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - E3 2009: Nintendo\\'s ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Nice list. I hope we see Bayonetta stick around, as I loved the first game quite a bit and I think there's a lot that they can do with her character still.

It should be interesting to see how everybody receives the "new" Samus with Other M. Finally we're going to get a game where she speaks, is spoken to, and shows some sort of emotion. It's probably going to change how people feel about her quite a bit.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - Battlefield: Bad Compa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, I catch myself admiring the carnage sometimes. There's always so much going on, it's really quite fun to just take it all in for a few moments.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - E3 2009: Nintendo Alre... · 0 replies · +1 points

I really liked it, but there's one MASSIVE issue I have with it, but I don't dare spoil it here. There's just something that works very hard against the entire premise of the game.

14 years ago @ Video Game News & Revi... - E3 2009: Nintendo Alre... · 2 replies · +1 points

Nice picks for this category. There are lots of good games that fit into this mold, but I think you nailed most of them. The original Metroid does a lot of cool things that we take for granted these days. A simple example is how you try to walk right (as you do in most games) to find that you're blocked off. You turn to the left, find an item that lets you advance more to the right, and immediately you're taught that A) this game allows you to move both directions, B) if you can't get somewhere, you probably just need an item to enable it, and C) that exploration is very important. In the first minute of the game you're schooled in how it all works.

I just finished up Heavy Rain last night, actually.