Jay Baer

Jay Baer


8 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Kyle Lacy, Social Medi... - Think Big and then Thi... · 1 reply · +2 points

Thanks so much Kyle. I appreciate the link, and I'm delighted that I inspired you. You're dead on. Social media success isn't about home runs, it's about stringing together base hits. Remember, it's not viral until it is.

Keep on rocking.

15 years ago @ PRWeek US - Social media monitorin... · 0 replies · +1 points

Tons of new monitoring tools are popping up every month. I have used almost all of them, and train clients on how to use them effectively. For the record, my current favorites are Radian6, Techrigy, and the new ScoutLabs. I'm also working on a new project with Spiral16. The good news is that more and better monitoring systems are emerging. The bad news is that once your staff is trained on one platform, it's hard to take the time to switch. Choose wisely.

15 years ago @ PRWeek US - Social media skills go... · 0 replies · +1 points

Completely agree that social media needs to be woven into University curricula. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of confidence that this will happen quickly. Maybe journalism/PR instructors are more forward-thinking, but we're in year 15 of digital marketing, and SEO isn't even taught in University marketing classes with any degree of competency. Scary.

15 years ago @ Greg Cangialosi - The ... - The Importance of Stay... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post Greg. The opportunities you highlight are even more acute right now, because due to the economy, a lot of companies are simply going into turtle mode. Their silence = massive chance to steal their leadership and make it your own.

I also very much appreciate your ability to spin your pre-event procrastination into a forward-thinking blog post. You sir, are my hero! ;)

15 years ago @ new media lisa - If social media expert... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is the only industry on the planet (with the possible exception of astrophysics) where the experts run away from the title as a general rule.

I believe it's because those that actual have requisite social media perspective and experience understand that expertise is both fleeting and circumstantial. Further, the currently accepted blueprint for social media luminary includes a large dose of humility.

There's a ton of "I'm not an expert, you're an expert." "Oh no, I'm no expert either" conversation right now.

I concur that it's both foolish and unsettling to be considered an expert within social media learned circles. But, there's absolutely no question whatsoever that the expertise in comparison not only to the general public but even to experienced marketers is both real and evident.

Ultimately, it's in everyone's best interests for brands and marketers to understand how to use social media the right way, and not as just another megaphone or SEO 2.0. And if that requires that those who can deliver the goods step forward and accept that responsibility, then do it.

Starting with many of the folks that have commented (and written) this post, why doesn't this industry work on some sort of certification and "seal of approval" program, so this issue fades away once and for all?

16 years ago @ danny brown - communit... - The Social Media Goes ... · 2 replies · +2 points

This is fantastic. I love the way you put this together. Not an easy one to write. Impressive stuff.

16 years ago @ PRWeek US - WS aids Detroit Piston... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice job by the Pistons. Also need to check out the Phoenix Suns, who are really amping it up. Several Twitter accounts (+ a third party developed filter at www.sunstweets.com),a new virtual lockerroom at suns.com and an official Tweet-up at a Suns game, with a section devoted only to Twitter users. Shaq O'Neil is big on Twitter too, which is helping the buzz.

16 years ago @ new media lisa - 8 ways to be extraordi... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great job Lisa. I especially like #7 about disagreement. Waaaay too much groupthink and "what an awesome post" going around. It's not all awesome. Not everyone is right. Where's the counter-balance? That's why, even though I think it was a bit misplaced, I didn't mind the Brogan/K-Mart dust-up. At least there's a two-sided discussion, for once.

That said, I'm not going to disagree with anything you've written here. It's just too good. ;)