


2 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Future of American Ath... · 0 replies · +1 points

Although I'm not a religious person nor do I believe in a personal God that resembles any described in any formal religious system I know of, I'm still left with a question.
It seems to me that it takes as much, perhaps even more, faith to believe there is no prime intelligence in the universe, no God, than is required to believe in a particular religion and associated God. We learn almost from birth that every happening has a cause (not neccessarily a purpose, though that could be debated). How do those who believe there is no God, no entity behind the universe as we know it, that is to say atheists, explain the universe and life to themselves?

16 years ago @ Jihad Watch - Jihad Watch: New York ... · 0 replies · +1 points

And an Egyptian cleric with strong ties to the West, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradhawi, has described Jews as “a profligate, cunning arrogant band of people”: “Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.”

Uh, if there really is an Allah who created all, including the hated Jews (presumably hated by Allah as well), one has to wonder why he doesn't simply dissappear the Jews along with all unbelivers thus delivering paradise to the then completly Muslim world. It would certainly be a lot less messy than what's going on now.