I'm watching O'Reilly, so I am commenting on Greta and their conversation about Bristol. It breaks my heart that there are soooo many nasty hateful people out there. Bristol is strong, but this kind of stuff hurts. LOTS of girls have babies out of wedlock. I was one. Lots of people are pregnant before they get married. Just know that..........the one's that talk the most....have the most to hide. THAT.......is always true. We love you Bristol. We love your whole family. Lots of us do. God Bless you all. Let God deal with those that have hurt you...he won't forget.
I think Piglosi is actually the President, and BO is just a figure head. He's told what to say and do by Piglosi and Congress. SOOOOO obvious. He's a follower, told what to do. He's so far beyond his capability, that we're in real DANGER. When everyone wakes up, its going to be to darn late.
D Morris is wrong when he says MOST people dont care if Piglosi has her own MILITARY aircraft. Its disgusting......like her!
I'm so happy for Sully. He's quite a man, and has had quite a life. I look forward to his book.
Isn't Hulk's ex wife dating a boy that hung out with her kids? He's around 20?
It sounded like his ex wife's lawyer was starting it.............
Howard K $$$$$$Tern.......hmmmmmmmmm, could it be something to do with the drugs in his name?
I wonder how much they paid the WSJ to do that survey..........we could have saved that paper alot of money. Put the survey on Gretawire next time. Same results..........
I wonder if Bernie Madoff ever watched Greta?