Exactly Georgia... Progressives are Spoiled Children...
@Rockstone... I think you mean, "Are you people in NC paying attention here?" This scumbag is from the NC District 2.
MSNObama Network is upset that they didn't get that 1 hour infommercial deal that ABC got... But what did they expect... Obama only goes after deals that will further his agenda and he knows that the MSNObama Network is failing in the ratings... so he thinks he will get to more viewers on ABC... too bad for him that Fox News is not in bed with him... he would have million(s) more viewers than he will get from ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, and Headline News combined!
I don't have HBO and thank GOD I don't. They got away from movies and put this co-called crappy entertainment in its place! Yes... He does need to apologize and then be stripped of his so-called entertainment status! He's pathetic!
What is wrong with the idiots in Washington? Plants/trees need CO2 to survive and grow and we need these plants/trees to survive because we get our oxygen from them! Didn't anyone go to school and learn this?! Please don't tell me that everybody in America is this stupid... AMERICA stop letting the Washington beaurocrats lead you by the nose! Wake up and get informed!
His welfare stimulus (adding $25 more each week to unemployment claims) has cost many from their food stamps. Just this morning on Fox & Friends, a gentleman on unemployment lost $300 on food stamps. Hmmm... he gets $25 more / week ($100 more a month) but lost, in all, $200 from his food fund. How silly is this? Me, personally, this is sad and pathetic. Obama is a joke and the whole world is laughing at us for voting this idiot into office! I'm glad I have a clear conscious... I voted for the other guy!
Kudos to Palin for standing up for her family; the same I would do for mine! Letterman has no morals and should be suspended from CBS (teach this old man that there is no humor when attacking kids of any age)! Letterman is not a politican and should keep his comments/jokes (if that is what you call them) to himself!
Hey Mike... I didn't hear an actual apology from Letterman to Palin. He did everything he could but DID stop short from that apology.
What's wrong with the MSM is that they no longer report factual news, but their own opinions. At least with Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity and many others, they state, "In my opinion" or "I believe" before talking about what is going on. The MSM doesn't do that... they want you to believe what they say is factual, when in all actuality, it's only their opinion. I have lost faith in the MSM many many many years ago. It wouldn't bother me if all of the MSM outlets closed shop. I only watch Fox News because they are "Fair & Balanced!"