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14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.7 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +5 points

Obama Dismisses Palin's Experience

Obviously the President must have more experience than Sarah Palin on Nuclear Policy because he gets daily briefings. His recent decision to tell the world when we would and would not defend ourselves is a really naive military strategy. So apparently experience does not always help the President in his decision making process.

Mrs Palin also does not have experience in attacking and weakening the Constitution, bankrupting the country, disregarding the will of the American people, nationalizing almost everything or exponentially increasing the size of the Federal Government.

In this case I have to say thank God for her lack of experience.

Joel Williams

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.6 - 912 Communi... · 6 replies · +6 points

Illegal immigration Totally Absent

I attended the Defending the American Dream Summit, Saturday, here in Atlanta. Various like minded patriot groups were there and the speakers all had a variation on the "we must take America back" theme. There were warnings about the impact of Obama Care and speculation that CAP and Trade and a VAT tax are next.

Personally, I feel the reason that Obama and his court are so smug in the feeling that they are not going to lose many seats in the mid-terms later this year is because they are going to jam through Amnesty for all the illegal Mexicans currently in the US. If that happens the party of blatant corruption knows it will be in power for years to come. I feel like this is the very next thing they are going to ram down our throats. There was no mention of Illegal Immigration at all at the summit. WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT IT?

Joel Williams

14 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.0 - 912 Communi... · 3 replies · +5 points

Nancy Pelosi is not the brightest bulb on the tree and she proves it over an over again. This time she had the brass to tell the American people that the health care debate has been one of the most open processes ever. Now she's even more stupid than I think or she really believes it. I'm not sure which option scares me more. Nancy - what planet have you been on?

Joel Williams

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.0 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +4 points

For The Passage of Every Liberal Bill, Liberal Quality of Life Goes down

It looks like the Health Care Reform Bill is going to pass the Senate so for all my liberal friends that will be celebrating over the holidays, I give you a glimpse of things to come - your quality of life is going to go down. Oh no, you say - it cannot be! Utopia and justice have finally arrived in America. Well consider this, a small percentage of Americans pay 50% of the taxes and a huge percentage of your liberal constituents pay none. As is attributed to Margaret Thatcher, with socialism sooner or later you run out of people to take money away from. Obama likes to use the word "unprecedented" and he is creating an unprecedented debt to fuel an enormous government that will consume money we don't have. And for those of you that believed one of his many campaign lies - "Nobody making less than $250,000 will see any tax increase" - you had better fasten your seat belt. You are going to see the quality of your life go down because government run programs are inefficient and take a lot of money to keep up. Your President will come for your money in the near future. He will have no choice because the small percentage that supports the US today will be tapped out.

If you reflect on this fact you will understand that you need to join with conservatives and help put a stop to this insane spending and this insane increase in the size of government. If you don't it's going to bite you in the wallet and the American dream as you know it will become smaller and smaller and smaller until you and yours are dependent on the government for whatever quality of life it chooses to allow you.

Joel Williams

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.0 - 912 Communi... · 0 replies · +4 points

The framers realized that a central government was necessary because, at the time, states were printing their own money, forming their own armies, levying taxes on imports from other states and countries, and conducting their own foreign diplomacy. They also realized that a large, overpowering central government was destructive to individual freedom. They drafted the constitution, which established a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances designed to prevent a powerful and tyrannical central government. They wanted slow change to the constitution so they instituted an amendment process that required a large majority of states participating in order to ratify an amendment. They also instituted a Supreme Court with members appointed for life so that important legislation could not be overturned every time the balance of party power changed.

As Laserdog pointed out in an earlier post, the "progressives" realized as early as the mid 1800s that the Constitution was an impediment to their agenda and set about to mold it to their motives. You have heard the echoes of this "progressive" thinking in the statement that "the Constitution is a living document". It was President Roosevelt during the Great Depression that made the most damaging inroads into what the Framers intended. In the name of saving the Republic, he played on the emotions of an American people with hopelessness. To paraphrase many of his fireside chats, he said about many of his programs, "If we don't do this now we are doomed." Much of what he did was unconstitutional so he usurped constitutional power by loading the Supreme Court of that time with justices that would support his agenda. As we all know, despite his massive increase in the size of the central government, and despite the massive debt his spending programs incurred, it took World War II to bring the US out of depression.

If any of this sounds familiar it is because history is in the process of repeating itself in the form of the Obama Administration that, like FDRs administration, has an overwhelming and supportive Democrat majority. This administration has thrown trillions at the economy under the false guise of stimulus. The faulty use of the word stimulus is that the majority of the dollars haven't been spent yet and what has been spent has been either to payoff campaign debts like union support or on pork to buy votes of dissenting legislators. In essence the President's every initiative to date has failed. None the less and in the face of over 50% disapproval of his programs by the American people, he proceeds with Health Care Reform and Cap and Trade and Card Check and the list goes on and on.

The Democrat Party seems willing to risk losing it's majority in the mid-term elections next year and is banking on Obama's political trickery, which puts of most of this legislation not going into effect until after the 2012 election. This arrogant and narcissistic president actually thinks he can save the Democrats next year and get re-elected himself in 2012, with this chicanery. He may be right because the memory of the American voter is short. This group and all those like us must keep the voters focused on the damage this President and his lap dogs are doing to the United States of America. If we are successful, and we must be, we can take back the majority in 2010. We can then do the work of undoing the damage by overturning these laws that rack up huge debt and rob the American people of more and more freedom.

Joel Williams

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.0 - 912 Communi... · 4 replies · +9 points

A personal health care story - a prophecy of things to come

Everyone knows that government run health care will destroy health care as we know it and we know it will drive private insurers out of business. The Democrat party lies and says health care will be better and that private insurance will be more competitive. Wrong.

My wife works for a large multinational corporation and she's been there long enough to retire. She's too young for Social Security or Medicare and her goal is to retire at 62, several years away. The company announced during annual enrollment that it's retiree medical program is going to change April first of next year. Currently they provide a lump sum fund for retirees to draw against and the medical costs of insurance for those retired is about $140 a month. The change is that the fund is going away and the retiree medical is increasing to over $700 a month. She called the benefits office to make sure that she was correct in her understanding and they told her that she had read the changes correctly. The woman also told my wife that if government health care is enacted to expect more changes. The implication was that whatever the company program was at that time would go away and employees would be forced onto the government program.

Now we know that medical costs are huge for companies and if they are suddenly offered a way out I predict they will jump on it. When that happens, and it will, companies like hers and mine that employ tens of thousands of people and suddenly leave private ensurers in favor of a government program, will drive the insurers out of business. Then we will be left with yet one more huge, mismanaged, costly and ineffective government run program.

The hard work that everyone is doing in writing letters and making phone calls to their representatives will pay off if we keep it up.

Joel Williams

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.0 - 912 Communi... · 6 replies · +3 points

I feel that the short term answer is as you suggested, work within the two party framework to get representatives in place that will act in the best interest of the nation. Long term I am convinced we have to limit legislative terms to no more than two. I really do not believe the Framers ever envisioned the evil that is career politicians. They saw representatives as citizens who would go to Washington for one or two terms, do what is right for the country, and then go back to their farms or businesses. The representatives of today gain more power and wealth the longer they are in office. To stay in office they have to be re-elected over and over again. No matter which side of the isle they're on they have to play the game in order to get party support in re-elections. That means they will say and do whatever they need to in order to get that support. Term limits will require a constitutional amendment and that's not likely to be an idea current legislators will even consider. The first step is to get those into office that share the vision of the Framers. The second and, at least as I see it, the only thing that will fundamentally get us back to the America of the founders is term limits.

Joel Williams

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.0 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +1 points

I throw this out there for your consideration - Capitalism is the opposite of Socialism and is what has made this country great since its founding. It has allowed those who had a dream and the energy and drive to pull it off, to achieve at whatever level they were willing to put in the work to accomplish. Since FDR we have created a large population of those who want to be cared for by the government and they thirst for more of it. Socialism robs people of drive and initiative and promotes mediocrity. There are two groups on the left that want to promote socialism for different reasons. The one group feels that America is the wealthiest nation on earth and therefore should care for everyone equally. Sounds very compassionate but as Margaret Thatcher is credited with saying, "The problem with Socialism is that sooner or later you run out of people to take money away from." The second group wants power and the more people that have no initiative and drive because they are dependent on the government, the easier they are to control. If your goal is to destroy Capitalism, the easiest way to accomplish it is first take control of as many private businesses as possible and long term, bankrupt the country. The death of Capitalism is economic collapse. You can only pull that off if you have the largest possible segment of the population under your control. Look at the actions of the current administration and it's minions Pelosi and Reid and tell me if any of what I said sounds familiar.

Joel Williams

15 years ago @ 912 Communique' -... - Vent 2.0 - 912 Communi... · 1 reply · +3 points

I'm perplexed. President Obama said the following at different times: Mine will be the most transparent administration in history; No tax increase on anyone making less than $250,000 per year; No lobbyists in my administration; I will go through the budget line by line and veto wasteful spending; I will not sign any heath care bill into law that adds one penny to the national deficit; Anyone that says Health Care Reform contains Medicare cuts is a liar and a fear monger; Health Care Reform will be debated on CSPAN; and My administration will restore integrity to Washington. Now feel free to correct me if I missed something but every one of those promises has been or, in the case of Health Care Reform in its current iterations, will be broken in the near future.

Most of what has happened in this administration won't stand the light of day and out of necessity had to be conducted behind closed doors. Otherwise the politics as usual and the blatant lies would have been immediately apparent to the American people. All of this reckless spending, again out of necessity, will result in new taxes and Medicare will have cuts. (It was reported in the news that A Republican amendment to the current Senate bill to remove $40 billion in Medicare cuts in senior home health care, was quickly defeated). I personally think this administration has less integrity than most any administration in recent years. The administration has the lobbyists that were never to be and is staffed with many very radical people in positions out of reach of congressional oversight. Worst of all, this president is driving the country as fast as he possibly can to socialism. That appears to be the fundamental change his campaign promised and is perhaps the only of his campaign promises he intends to keep.

What has me perplexed is that a large segment of America seems oblivious to what is coming and also does not appear to care. This is even more perplexing in that Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz. FOX News and a few print publications accurately shine a light on these goings on every day. Yet the outrage is limited to members of the 912 Project, flipthishouse2010.org, The Heritage Foundation and a host of other but very small groups committed to Conservatism.

Are we too fragmented in our conservative efforts to be effective or could it be that over the last eighty years we have created a huge voting block that knows nothing else but government handouts and clamors for more? If the answer to the latter is no, then why is there not more outrage and why are not more Americans rising up in protest?

Joel Williams

15 years ago @ 912 Communique - Vent · 2 replies · +8 points

During the last campaign, then candidate Obama promised to fundamentally change America. Everyone that voted for him assumed that meant change from the policies of George Bush. That's exactly what he wanted them to think. After less than a year in office we can observe by his actions that the change he envisions is Socialism. The best way to assure socialism is to destroy capitalism and free markets. The best way to destroy capitalism is to bankrupt it, which Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al, are in a headlong, hell bent rush to do. They are accomplishing the bankrupting of America with The Ominbus Spending Bill, The Stimulus Bill, Cash for Clunkers, Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, and a tax code punitive to business and personal investment. This destruction is fueled by the resulting catastrophic unemployment, which because 2/3 of our economy is dependent on consumer spending, has a domino effect - other businesses must lay off workers do to lack of consumer spending. This makes more people dependent on government greatly adding to the three generations of entitlement recipients. The government becomes more powerful and the freedom of the people is eroded.

A second way to fundamentally change America is to weaken her as a world power. Obama has apologized for America from every country where he has spoken since his election. I do not believe Obama to be a patriot because never once have I heard him say that literally every country that is free in the world today is free because of the blood and sacrifice of our young men and women and the American people. He is showing signs of weakening our military and he has shown he is willing to turn his back on long time allies like Israel. A strong Israel is the best chance we have for stability in that region and yet Obama rolls over and lays down for Iran. Whether through bungling inexperience or some dark purpose of his own, he has failed to deal with Iran and North Korea from a position of strength. These are the wrong signals to send to our allies and the world community. These are bad decisions for America.

Last and perhaps most important, this President and Congress have continued to work hard to eliminate God in our country. To be sure the founding fathers wanted no state sponsored religion and that was their sole intent for the separation of church and state. Liberal politicians and media have been supported in this quest by liberal judges. In reality our founders believed that the very survival of America as a nation was dependent on a strong faith in Divine Providence, and their writings are filled with reference after reference to the necessity for a strong belief in God. George Washington had chaplains in the Continental Army and even required that his troops attend services. He believed victory depended on it. I am not advocating forcing religion on anyone but the message that faith (in whatever form) is somehow against the law promotes moral and ethical decay. We only have to look at any news cast to see the results. We can also look to the lessons of history to see what happens to great nations when they stray from their moral compass and the best examples are Greece and Rome.

We have to make absolutely sure that Obama is limited to one term in office and that we neuter his ability to further damage America by eliminating the liberal majority in 2010. Hopefully next year won't be too late to save this Great Nation from destruction.

Joel Williams